Christian Blank

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Christian Aloys Hubert Blank (born May 13, 1879 in Cologne ; † September 21, 1967 in Bonn ) was a Prussian civil servant and German politician, first of the Center Party and later of the CDU .

Born on May 13, 1879 in Cologne-Merheim, the son of the farmer Hilger Blank, Blank began studying geodesy and cultural engineering at the University of Bonn after graduating from high school . After the exam, he studied construction at the technical universities in Hanover and Aachen. From 1903 to 1922 he worked in the construction and operations of the Reichsbahndirektion Hannover . In 1922 he was appointed to the Prussian internal administration, in the following year he was given the position of general advisor for tariff and transport in the Prussian Ministry of Commerce, where he was active as a senior government councilor from 1924. He was promoted to Ministerial Council in 1927. Politically, Blank was a member of the Center Party, which he headed in the Hanover-Hildesheim constituency from 1919 to 1932. Between 1919 and 1921 he was a member of the constituent Prussian state assembly and then a member of the Prussian state parliament until 1929 . Dismissed in 1933 for political reasons, Blank became a member of the Board of Directors and a sworn expert for railways, shipping and transport in 1934.

After the end of the Second World War , Blank was one of the founders of the CDU in the province of Hanover and was a member of the Hanoverian Landtag from August 23, 1946 to October 29, 1946. Blank was a member of the Lower Saxony Landtag from December 9, 1946 to 28. March 1947. Here he became chairman of the transport committee. From 1946 to 1947 he was delegated as a representative of the state of Lower Saxony to the administrative board for postal and telecommunications in the American and British occupation areas in Frankfurt am Main ( postal history and postage stamps of Germany under Allied occupation ). As its chairman and later as head of the main administration for postal and telecommunications in the American and British occupation areas with the title of “Chief President”, he carried out the merger of the postal administrations of the American and British zones ( bizones ).

In the first electoral term he was a member of the Lower Saxony state parliament from April 20, 1947 to April 30, 1951. Since March 28, 1951, he was a member of the DP / CDU parliamentary group in the state parliament.

At the beginning of his studies, Blank joined the KDSt.V. Ascania Bonn in the CV . In Hann. In Münden, he founded the Rheno-Guestfalia Forest Academic Association in the CV and MC in 1927 , which continues today in Göttingen.



  • Beatrix Herlemann , Helga Schatz: Biographical Lexicon of Lower Saxony Parliamentarians 1919–1945 (= publications of the Historical Commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen. Volume 222). Hahnsche Buchhandlung, Hannover 2004, ISBN 3-7752-6022-6 , pp. 46–47.
  • Barbara Simon : Member of Parliament in Lower Saxony 1946–1994. Biographical manual. Edited by the President of the Lower Saxony State Parliament. Lower Saxony State Parliament, Hanover 1996, p. 38.
  • Manual dictionary of the postal system ; 3. Edition; P. 362

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