Christian Gottfried von Pentz

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Christian Gottfried von Pentz (born July 10, 1716 on Gut gasoline; † December 3, 1801 in Fredericia ) was a royal Danish general of the infantry and head of an infantry regiment.


His parents were Captain Valentin von Pentz (* December 19, 1662 - March 15, 1755) from the Bresewitz family and his wife Margarete Katharina von Engel (* June 26, 1685 - January 25, 1757). The genealogist Conrad Lüder von Pentz was his brother.


He came to his uncle Gottfried as early as 1723 (* May 24, 1672; † February 19, 1726), who was the Danish canon of Aalborg . He was on November 19, 1732 ensign in the Fühn Infantry Regiment and on April 9, 1736 Second Lieutenant. He came on November 14, 1740 as a captain in the Zealand Infantry Regiment. On March 31, 1750, he was given the character of major, and on July 18, 1753, he became a real premier-major. On November 16, 1760 he was given the character of a lieutenant colonel and on October 16, 1763 he was battalion commander in the Oldenburg National Infantry Regiment. On February 13, 1766 he was transferred to the Combined Guard Battalion as Premier Major and Commander, on March 26, 1766 he was given the character of a colonel. Then on April 1, 1767, he became a real colonel and chief of the Holstein Infantry Regiment. But on May 1, 1768, he became chief of the Queen's regiment. Then on April 1, 1773 he was appointed deputy in the General Commissioner's College and on October 21, 1774 major general. On March 29, 1776 he was naturalized and raised to the Danish nobility. In 1781 he also received the Order of Danebrog and on November 2, 1787 he was promoted to lieutenant general. On May 29, 1795 he received his retirement as a general of the infantry and a pension of 2588 thalers.


On January 19, 1742, he married Beate Margarete von Engel (August 1, 1714 - December 8, 1780), the daughter of the Danish captain Hans David von Engel from the Breesen family in Mecklenburg. The couple had offspring including:

  • Georg Friedrich Ludwig (born May 9, 1743; † April 27, 1789), Danish officer ∞ Clara von Engel (born March 5, 1745; † May 5, 1789)


A gate of the fortress Oldenburg was called Pentzenpforte , but after a captain of the same name from the 17th century.


  1. After Meyenn: daughter of Lüders von Engel (Gr.Helle) and Beate Elisabeth von Engel (Fritzow)


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