Christian Gottlieb Lorek

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Christian Gottlieb Lorek (* 27. June 1788 in Conitz ; † 29. June 1871 in Königsberg ) was a Prussian school teacher , vice principal and vice-rector at the Castle school Konigsberg , who by his own engraved and published engraving -Sammlungen the flora and fauna of Prussia emerged is. Its botanical author abbreviation is " Lorek ".


Christian Gottlieb Lorek obtained his doctorate in 1812. phil. In 1813 he became vice principal at the castle school in Königsberg . He occupied himself with mathematics and the natural sciences , gave lessons in drawing and learned to engrave . In 1835 he was appointed prorector , from 1838 he held the title of professor . His collection of engravings, Flora Prussica , was published in three editions. In the Old Prussian biography Lorek is "the merit, the knowledge of the plant world in large circles of East and West Prussia, a. to have made botany popular ”. The copperplate engravings in the first and second editions of his Flora Prussica are all by Lorek himself. Lorek had also started a Fauna Prussica , of which only the first volume has appeared. He resigned from office in 1850 because of an eye problem.


  • About drawing lessons in higher schools. Dalkowski, Koenigsberg 1839.
  • About Perspective. Dalkowski, Königsberg 1844.
  • Flora Prussica. Images of all the plants found in Prussia up to now. Königsberg, 1826–1830 (1st edition appeared in deliveries)
    • 2nd, increased edition: Gräfe & Unzer, Königsberg 1837.
    • 3rd, improved and increased edition: Verlag der Universitäts-Buchhandlung, Königsberg 1848. Digitized: urn : nbn: de: hebis: 30: 4-61929
  • Fauna Prussica. Illustrations of the mammals, birds, amphibians and fish of Prussia. Self-published / Gräfe & Unzer, Königsberg 1834–1837. Digitized: urn : nbn: de: hbz: 6: 1-227040

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Lehnerdt: Lorek, Christian Gottlieb . In: Christian Krollmann (Ed.): Old Prussian Biography. Volume 1. Elwert, Marburg / L. 1941. Accessed via WBIS Online .