Christian Haller (writer)

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Christian Haller (born February 28, 1943 in Brugg , Canton Aargau ) is a Swiss dramaturge and writer .


Haller studied zoology at the University of Basel . He worked for eight years as head of the “Social Studies” department at the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute and for four years as a dramaturge at the Claque Theater in Baden . From 1994 to 2000 he was a member of the Theater Commission of the City of Zurich . Since the 1980s he wrote numerous short stories, novels and some stage plays. Some of his works have been translated into French, Russian and Romanian. He was a columnist for the Aargauer Zeitung and lives as a freelance writer in Laufenburg .

Awards (selection)




  • Gods games . WP: Theater im Spittel, Bremgarten 1987
  • Life . Published as a theater manuscript: Kiepenheuer, Berlin 1991


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