Christian Heinrich Gmelin

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Christian Heinrich Gmelin (born December 15, 1780 in Tübingen , † December 13, 1824 in Ulm ) was a German legal scholar .


Christian Heinrich Gmelin was born as the son of Christian Gottlieb Gmelin . He entered the University of Tübingen to study law, which he in 1801 with the promotion for Doctor graduated at the same time he was Hofgerichts- lawyer . In the same year he went on an educational trip through Göttingen and Paris and the next year he settled in Tübingen as a lawyer. He went to the University of Bern in 1805 to teach as a professor . As such he returned to Tübingen in 1813. In 1824 he moved to Ulm as a senior judicial officer, where he died on December 13 of the same year at the age of 43.

In Stuttgart he married Rosine Wilhelmine Müller on May 3, 1808. They had four daughters together.


  • Moriz Gmelin : Family tree of the Gmelin family . Braun, Karlsruhe 1877, p. 97
  • Frank Raberg : Biographical Lexicon for Ulm and Neu-Ulm 1802-2009 . Süddeutsche Verlagsgesellschaft im Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Ostfildern 2010, ISBN 978-3-7995-8040-3 , p. 120 .