Christian Knaut

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Christian Knaut , sometimes also Christian Knauth (born August 16, 1656 in Halle (Saale) ; † April 11, 1716 ibid) was a German doctor , botanist and librarian . Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Knaut ".


Christian Knaut was the son of Christoph Knaut and his wife Barbara Viervegen. Christian's brother, 18 years older, was Christoph Knaut (1638–1694), also a doctor and botanist in Halle.

Christian attended the Halle grammar school under Rector Valentin Berger. In 1676, on the advice of his brother, he began to study medicine at the University of Leipzig , where he was trained in particular by professors Gottfried Welsch , Paul Ammann , Michael Ettmüller and Johannes Bohn . For the latter, he made his first work de somno et vigilis ( of sleeping and waking ). His dissertation was written in Jena with Rudolf Wilhelm Crause von Mellingen (1642–1718) and was entitled de fermentatione in sanguine non existente . With this work he was in 1682 in Jena as a doctor of medicine doctorate . When he returned to Halle, he became the personal physician of Prince Emanuel Lebrecht von Anhalt-Köthen and librarian for the city of Halle. In this capacity he wrote a chronicle and description of the Thuringian counties of Ballenstädt and Aschersleben in 1698 . Knaut is known as a botanist through his book Compendium botanicum sive Methodus plantarum genuina , in which he classified the flowering plants according to the number and arrangement of the petals .

Knaut was a member of the church council of the Marktkirche Unser Lieben Frauen for over 20 years and was elected librarian of the Marienbibliothek in 1708 .


  • Antiquitates Comitatus Ballenstadiensis Et Ascaniensis Or a thorough and detailed description of the two clock-old North Thuringian graffs in Ballenstädt and Aschersleben . Koethen, 1698.
  • Thorough presentation of several in Hn. Joh. Christ. Beckmann's PP newly issued Historia des Fürstenthums Anhalt located again the Anhalt Cöthensche Hauss committed genealogical and historical errors . Hall, 1710.
  • Compendium botanicum sive Methodus plantarum genuina, qua notae characteris ticae seu differentiae genericae tam summae quam subalternae ordine digeruntur et per tabulas quas vocant synopticas perspicue delineantur; in gratiam studiosae juventutis adornata atque edita . Leipzig and Halle 1718.

Honor taxon

Carl von Linné named the plant genus of widow flowers in honor of Christian and Christoph Knaut with the scientific name Knautia .


  • Dictionnaire des sciences médicales. Biography médicale . Volume 5, Paris, 1822.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinrich L. Nickel [ed.]: 450 years Marienbibliothek zu Halle an der Saale , Halle 2002.
  2. ^ Carl von Linné: Critica Botanica . Leiden 1737, p. 93
  3. Carl von Linné: Genera Plantarum . Leiden 1742, p. 40