Christian Krell

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Christian Krell (born December 20, 1977 in Siegen ) is a German political scientist and adult educator. He is professor of constitutional law and European politics at the Federal University of Applied Sciences and honorary professor at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn .


Krell studied sociology , politics , history and economics at the University of Siegen and the University of York from 1997 to 2003 . From 1998 to 2005 he received a scholarship from the Friedrich Ebert Foundation for basic and graduate funding. Krell received his doctorate in 2006 with a study of the European policy of British, German and French social democracy in comparison.

From 2007 to 2016, Krell headed the Academy for Social Democracy of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and was the author and editor of numerous textbooks in this function. In 2014 he was appointed to the SPD's Basic Values Commission. Between 2016 and 2018 Christian Krell headed the Nordic Office of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation based in Stockholm.

In November 2018, Krell was appointed Professor of Constitutional Law and European Politics at the Federal University for Public Administration . In April 2019, at the suggestion of the Philosophical Faculty at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, he was awarded the title honorary professor. Before that, he was a lecturer at the University of Siegen . Research focuses on party research, democracy research, and the theory and practice of social democracy .

Krell occasionally appears in media such as BBC World , Deutschlandfunk and other broadcasters on current political issues as an expert.

Publications (selection)

  • Reclaiming Action - Progressive Strategies in times of growing right-wing populism in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany . Edited with Henri Möllers and Niklas Ferch (2018). Stockholm, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Nordic Countries. ISBN 978-3-96250-166-2 . Available online for free .
  • Thinkers of Social Democracy . Editor. (2016) Bonn. ISBN 978-3-8012-0482-2
  • Pioneers of social democracy . Editor. (2015) Bonn. ISBN 978-3-8012-0459-4
  • Values ​​and politics. Edited with Tobias Mörschel (2015) Wiesbaden. ISBN 978-3-658-06606-2
  • Freedom, justice and solidarity in the age of digitization In: Neue Gesellschaft / Frankfurter Hefte (1/2/2015). Pp. 68-71. ISSN  0177-6738
  • The history of social democracy With Michael Reschke and Jochen Dahm. (2013, 3rd edition) Bonn. ISBN 978-3-86498-233-0
  • Democracy in Germany - state, challenges, prospects. Edited with Tobias Mörschel. (2012) Wiesbaden. ISBN 978-3-531-18582-8
  • On the political positioning of German parties In: Neue Gesellschaft / Frankfurter Hefte (10/2012). Pp. 36-40. ISSN  0177-6738
  • More equality, more education, more Europe - the democracy debate in Germany. In: spw - magazine for socialist politics and economy. (06/2011). Pp. 13-21. ISSN  0170-4613
  • Lessons learned? - What can be learned from the social democratic reform discourse In: Neue Gesellschaft / Frankfurter Hefte (05/2011). Pp. 77-79.
  • Кризис германской социал-демократии: пять причин и способов его преодоления . Социал-демократия в современном мире. Материалы научно-практической конференции "Кризис европейской социал-демократии: причиныл: причиныл: причины. Москва, 2010. С. 75-89. (Russian translation of: The Crisis of German Social Democracy - Five Causes and Five Approaches to Action Social Democracy in the Modern World. Results of the Conference “The Crisis of European Social Democracy: Causes, Forms, Approaches to Action”. Moscow [2010]. pp. 75–89. )
  • Social Democracy and Europe - The European Policy of the British, German and French Social Democrats (2009) Wiesbaden. ISBN 9785364984
  • A compass in turbulent times - imparting skills in the Academy for Social Democracy In: Praxis Politische Bildung (04/2008). Pp. 270-277. ISSN  1433-4755
  • Laggard or Leader - The British welfare state in the mirror of social democracy In: Meyer, Thomas (2006) (Ed.): Praxis der Sozialen Demokratie. Wiesbaden. Pp. 130-241. ISBN 978-35311-51793

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Members of the SPD Basic Values ​​Commission ( memento of the original from September 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In:, accessed on June 3, 2015  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. ^ Homepage of the Nordic offices of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung , accessed on February 2, 2017