Christian Martin Winterling

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Christian Martin Winterling (* 1800 in Schwarzenbach an der Saale ; † 1884 ) was a German writer and translator , English and Romance studies . From 1823 until his death he taught modern languages and literature at the University of Erlangen and was a prominent member of the Pegnese Order of Flowers at the time .

life and work

Winterling received his doctorate in 1823 with the thesis Dissertatio de origine linguae anglicae et hispanicae (Erlangen 1823) and then became a private lecturer, from 1834 associate professor at the University of Erlangen, where he held a double professorship for modern languages ​​and literatures ( English and Romance languages ) for many years. held.

Winterling was active as a poet from a young age and was accepted into the Pegnesian Flower Order in 1826 under the name Amandus Winterling. He also named a son Amandus (* 1827 in Erlangen).

From 1856 onwards, Winterling ran a model estate in Bernstein near Wunsiedel .


  • Dissertatio de origine lingvae anglicae et hispanicae ("Dissertation on the origin of the English and Spanish languages"), Erlangen 1823 ( lat. , Available online as digital copy)
  • (with Theresius von Seckendorff) Diccionario de las lenguas española y alemana. Dictionary of the German and Spanish language , 3 vol., Hamburg / Nuremberg 1823–1828 (Winterling draws for the completion of the German-Spanish part) (available online as a digital copy)
  • (Translator from Spanish) Alonso de Ercilla y Zúñiga , Die Araucana , 2 volumes, Nuremberg 1831 (digital copies: Volume 1 , Volume 2 )
  • (Ed.) Oliver Goldsmith , The vicar of Wakefield , Nuremberg 1833
  • (Translator from Italian) Girolamo Graziani , The Conquest of Granada. An epic poem in 29 chants , 2 volumes, Nuremberg 1834 (digitized: volume 1 )
  • Antique-modern seals , Berlin 1836
  • Ady or the rejuvenated old man. Dramatized fairy tale , Erlangen 1842 ( digitized version )
  • Festival for the first jubilee of the University of Erlangen , Erlangen 1843 ( digitized version )
  • Epigrams in four centuries , Erlangen 1847
  • Rhythms and rhymes , Erlangen 1849 ( digitized version )
  • Two German students in Bologna. Comedy in five acts , Erlangen 1855 ( digitized version )


  • Franz Josef Hausmann, The bilingual lexicography Spanish-German, German-Spanish , in: dictionaries / Dictionaries / Dictionnaires. An international handbook on lexicography / An International Encyclopedia of Lexicography / Encyclopédie internationale de lexicographie , ed. by Franz Josef Hausmann, Oskar Reichmann, Herbert Ernst Wiegand and Ladislav Zgusta, third volume, Berlin, New York 1991, pp. 2987–2991 (here p. 2990).
  • Hinrich Hudde, On the History of Romance Philology in Erlangen , in: 250 Years Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Festschrift , ed. by Henning Kössler (Erlangen Research, Special Series, Vol. 4), Erlangen 1993, pp. 546-564.
  • Alexander M. Kalkhoff, Romance Philology in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries , Tübingen 2010 (Mention of Winterling on p. 278 (preview); see also: Summary of the results of the work on the website of the German Romanists Association ).

Web links

  • Chronicler's report on Winterling's admission to the order of poets with quotations from the poems he submitted.
  • Tribal list of the Pegnese Order of Flowers ; Winterling is listed under membership number 372.
  • Diary entry from 1853 by "Christian Martin Winterling, professor for new languages ​​and literature in Erlangen and landowner in Bernstein near Wunsiedel" (documents the development of the iron industry in the Fichtelgebirge).
  • Homepage of the city of Wunsiedel with a description of the history of the current district of Bernstein, mentioning an estate purchase made in 1856 by "Amandus Winterling".