Christian Wilhelm Thalemann

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Christian Wilhelm Thalemann (February 1727 in Weberstedt ; † March 16, 1778 in Leipzig ) was a German Lutheran theologian.


The son of pastor Christian Thalemann (* March 6, 1690 in Tennstedt; † April 12, 1756 in Kölleda) and his wife Anna Barbara Sophia (* October 24, 1693 in Großbrüchter), the daughter of the later superintendent in Tennstedt Johann Christoph Ernesti ( * January 11, 1662 in Keula; † August 11, 1722 in Tennstedt) and his wife Barbara Catharina Sophia Hedenius († April 22, 1746 in Arnstadt), had received the first lessons from his father and his uncle Johann August Ernesti in Leipzig. Then he attended the electoral state school in Pforta , moved to the University of Leipzig in 1746 , where he attended the philosophical-theological lectures of Christian August Crusius , Gottfried Heinsius , Salomo Deyling , Johann Christian Hebenstreit (theologian) and Bayer, among others .

In 1752 he had obtained the academic degree of a master’s degree , and in 1754 was a baccalaureus in theology and early preacher at the Pauline Church . 1756 he moved to the Thomas Church as a sub-deacon and in 1761 at the Nikolai Church . There in 1764 he was promoted to deacon. In 1769 he obtained a licentiate in theology and in 1773 became an associate professor at the University of Leipzig. He received his doctorate in theology in 1775 with the dissertation de sensu veri et falsi in interpretatione librorum sacrorum . In the same year he became a full professor. In 1776 he became canon in Zeitz and died in that office after a brief period.


  • Diss. Qua nubem super arca foederis Judaicum commendatum videri defenditur. Leipzig 1752; Part II Tractatus de nube etc. iterum editus, cum vindiciis. Accedit Commentatio de auctoritate Philonis et Josephi in historia rituum. Leipzig 1771
  • Justini Martyris Apologiae, e recensioe Grabiana. Varietatem lectionis et conjecturas virorum doctorum et suas addidit etc. Leipzig 1755
  • Dissertatione de erudition Pauli Apostoli judica, non graeca. Leipzig 1769
  • Praelusio de vitiis et studio res divinas ingenio humano accommodandi. Leipzig 1774
  • Oratio de difficultatibus very theology personam tuendi. Leipzig 1774
  • Diss. De sensu very et falsi in interpretation librorum sacrorum. Leipzig 1775
  • Progr. Jesum Christum eodem quo patrem modo colendum atque adorandum demonstrate, ex. Joh. 5, 17-23. Leipzig 1776
  • Versio latina Evangelicorum Matthaei, Lucae et Johannis itemque Actuum Apostolicorum, edita a. CC Tittmanno, in Acad. Viteb. Theol. Prof. Berlin 1781


  • Heinrich Doering : The learned theologians of Germany in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Verlag Johann Karl Gottfried Wagner, 1835, Neustadt an der Orla, vol. 4, p. 468, ( online )
  • Friedrich Karl Gottlob Hirsching : Historical literary handbook of famous and memorable people who lived in the eighteenth century. Verlag Schwickert, Leipzig, 1810, vol. 14, p. 188, ( online )
  • Erdmann H. Albrecht: Saxon Evangelical-Lutheran Church and Preaching History. P. 190 ( online )
  • Johann Georg Meusel : Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800. Publisher Gerhard Fleischer d. J., Leipzig, 1815, vol. 14, p. 35 ( online )