Christoph Caesar

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Christoph Caesar (rarely Caesar ; born April 24, 1540 in Preussisch Eylau ; † August 16, 1604 in Halle an der Saale ) was a German educator and poet .


Caesar was born the son of the mayor of Eylau. He attended school in his hometown and enrolled at the University of Wittenberg in 1558 . There he studied in particular with Philipp Melanchton and obtained his master's degree . He then returned to Eylau in 1561, where he was appointed headmaster of the school. After three years he resigned from office. He came to Leipzig University in 1564 as the court master of the von Creutz family's offspring . During this time he began to give lectures at Leipzig University.

Caesar was appointed vice-principal of the Lutheran grammar school founded in 1565 by the city council of Halle . In 1583 he became its rector and in 1600 was instrumental in drafting the school regulations. He also worked as a Latin poet. He is considered one of the founders of the Halleschen Schulkömdie.

The translator Joachim Caesar was his son.

Works (selection)

  • Institutiones grammaticae latinae , Halle an der Saale 1592.
  • Elegia in effigiem , Wittenberg 1594.
  • Salagastiana, poemata diversis temporum occasionibus scripta , Gerber, Halle an der Saale 1598.
  • Elegia de cruce , Halle on the Saale 1598.
  • In Solennitatem Nuptiarum Secundarum Reverenda dignitate, excellente doctrina , Hynitsch, Halle an der Saale 1602.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Siegrid Westphal and Wolfgang Adam (eds.): Handbook of cultural centers of the early modern times. Cities and residences in the old German-speaking area . de Gruyter, Berlin 2012, p. 776.