Christoph Iselin

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Christoph Iselin (born September 22, 1869 in Glarus ; † February 10, 1949 in Kilchberg ZH ) was a Swiss ski sports official and pioneer in Swiss ski history.


Iselin attended the Cantonal Industrial School in Lausanne and took over his father's leather trading business . He then worked in import and export trade. During the First and Second World Wars, he worked privately and as a federal negotiator to supply the country with petroleum products and raw materials .

Iselin made her first attempts at skiing in Switzerland in 1891 and 1892. In 1893 he founded the first ski club in Switzerland: the Glarus ski club . In 1902 he organized the first ski race in Switzerland. In 1904 he suggested the establishment of the Swiss Ski Association (today Swiss-Ski ) and the introduction of skis in the Swiss Army .

Iselin was also the designer of the Iselin shovel or ski shovel .

In 1929 Iselin took part in the circumnavigation of the world with the airship LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin . He was also a lieutenant colonel in the Swiss Army .


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Individual evidence

  1. a b c Veronika Feller-Vest: Iselin, Christoph. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  2. ^ Alfred Flückiger: The triumphant advance of the ski shovel. In: Ski: Yearbook of the Swiss Ski Association = Annuaire de l'Association Suisse des Clubs de Ski . Volume 24-25 (1929), pp. 155-157. doi : 10.5169 / seals-541746