Christoph Johann Conrad Engelbrecht

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Christoph Johann Conrad Engelbrecht (born September 24, 1690 in Helmstedt ; † October 20, 1724 ibid) was a German lawyer and professor at the University of Helmstedt .

Live and act

Engelbrecht studied law at the University of Helmstedt. In 1715 he became - like his father Georg Engelbrecht the Elder and his brother Georg Engelbrecht the Younger - first associate professor and in 1717 full professor of law. He taught both civil law and constitutional law . He died of consumption at the age of 34.

In his writings, Engelbrecht dealt, among other things, with Brunswick-Lüneburg law, which from his point of view has been neglected in research. For example, in his De genuinis decisionum iuris fontibus in terris Brunsvico-Luneburgicis, he discussed in detail the provincial rights of Calenberg , Lüneburg and Wolfenbüttel . Engelbrecht's works are forerunners of later treatises on Brunswick-Lüneburg territorial law, e.g. B. from the Göttingen law professor Gottfried Mascow .

Works (selection)

  • De servitutibus juris publici, sive juribus praecipue in Imperio Romano , 1715
  • De causis impediti hactenus felicits successus tentatae in Germania emendationis administrationis justitatae Dissertatio atque solennis ad lectiones publicas invitatio , 1718
  • De genuinis decisionum iuris fontibus in terris Brunsvico-Luneburgicis , 1719.
  • De utilitate studii juris germanici , 1722


  • Wolfgang Lent: Engelbrecht, Christoph Johann Conrad . In: Horst-Rüdiger Jarck, Dieter Lent u. a. (Ed.): Braunschweigisches Biographisches Lexikon: 8th to 18th century . Appelhans Verlag, Braunschweig 2006, ISBN 3-937664-46-7 , pp. 201f.
  • Arthur Behse: The law faculty of the University of Helmstedt in the age of natural law . Verlag Zwitzler, Wolfenbüttel 1920, pp. 48–51, 152.
  • Additional entry in * Hermann Müller:  Engelbrecht, Georg von . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 6, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1877, p. 129 f.