Chrysolina sturmi

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Chrysolina sturmi
Chrysolina sturmi

Chrysolina sturmi

Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae)
Subfamily : Chrysomelinae
Genre : Chrysolina
Type : Chrysolina sturmi
Scientific name
Chrysolina sturmi
( Westhoff , 1882)
Front view

The Chrysolina sturmi is a beetle from the leaf beetle family (Chrysomelidae).


The beetles are 6 to 10 millimeters long. They have a blue-black to black colored body with a purple sheen. The antennae are colored brown at the base, as are the palms . The tarsi are wider in the male than in the female. They are reddish in color, which distinguishes the species from a number of more or less similar species of the genus Chrysolina .


The species occurs in much of Europe and is absent from the Iberian Peninsula , some Mediterranean islands and Greece. They live in moist forest areas and on the edges of forests, but also occur on moist meadows, in parks and, more rarely, in ruderal areas and on the edge of fields. It is found on Gundermann ( Glechoma hederacea ), for example . They overwinter as adults under stones, in straw and tufts of grass.

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Commons : Chrysolina sturmi  - album with pictures, videos and audio files