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Cinclidotus fontinaloides

Cinclidotus fontinaloides

Subdivision : Bryophytina
Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Dicranidae
Order : Pottiales
Family : Pottiaceae
Genre : Cinclidotus
Scientific name

Cinclidotus , even grating tooth Moose named, are a moss - genus of the family pottiaceae . They are aquatic mosses that live in and on streams and rivers and are found in the Holarctic - especially in Europe and the Mediterranean - and in southern South America.


The sturdy plants of this genus are dark green to blackish and have lanceolate to tongue-shaped leaves with a multilayered edge and strong leaf veins that extend to the tip of the leaf. The lamina cells are rectangular in the lower part of the leaf, rounded-hexagonal in the upper part and smooth or papilose. The species are diocesan . The sporophytes are lateral or terminal, the spore capsules sunk into the leaves or raised on a short seta . They have 16 or 32 thread-like, smooth or papillary, straight or twisted peristome teeth, these are often connected at the base like a grid (name).

Systematics and types

The genus Cinclidotus used to be the only genus of the Cinclidotaceae family within the Pottiales order , but the genus has recently been included in the Pottiaceae family . 12 species are known worldwide. The following species (selection) are represented in Europe:



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Jan-Peter Frahm, Wolfgang Frey: Moosflora. 4th, revised and expanded edition. 2004, p. 266 f.
  2. a b Wolfgang Frey, Michael Stech, Eberhard Fischer: Bryophytes and Seedless Vascular Plants. 2009, p. 179.