Citropsis gabunensis

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Citropsis gabunensis
Order : Sapindales (Sapindales)
Family : Rhombus family (Rutaceae)
Subfamily : Aurantioideae
Tribe : Citreae
Genre : Citropsis
Type : Citropsis gabunensis
Scientific name
Citropsis gabunensis
( Engl. ) Swingle & M.Kellerm.

Citropsis gabunensis is a species of plant in the rhombus family from central Central Africa and western parts of West Africa . The species is considered endangered.


Citropsis gabunensis grows as a thorny , evergreen shrub or small tree with slender branches up to 6 meters high.

The alternate and stalked leaves are unpaired pinnate with up to 5 leaflets or unifoliolate with only one leaflet. The rachis is usually more or less winged. The entire to finely notched, pointed to pointed or tailed and leathery leaves are sessile and ovate to obovate. The leaves are with a petiole up to 10-17 centimeters long, the leaflets up to 12-19 centimeters. The mostly paired, axillary stipule spines are up to 3 inches long.

Axillary and racemose , short inflorescences are formed. The stalked, whitish and very small, hermaphrodite, 4–5-fold flowers have a double flower envelope . The small calyx lobes are triangular and glandular on the outside and ciliate. The petals are up to 8 millimeters long and glandular. There are 8–10 short stamens with slightly hairy to bare stamens. The four- to fünfkammerige, slightly hairy and wrong-ovoid ovary is upper constant and has up 4-5 large oil glands. The conical, relatively short stylus carries a slightly lobed, studded with oil glands scar . There is a discus .

Up to 3 centimeters in size, yellow-green and when ripe orange-yellow, roundish, rather thin-fleshed, smooth berries dotted with glands are formed. They contain up to 4–5 or even none, thick-skinned, about 7–10 millimeters long seeds.


The sweet fruits with soft, tender flesh and pleasant taste are edible.

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