Coconut Hero

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German title Coconut Hero
Original title Coconut Hero
Country of production Germany , Canada
Publishing year 2015
length 100 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Florian Cossen
script Elena von Saucken
production Paul Scherzer ,
Fabian Maubach ,
Jochen Laube
music Matthias Klein
camera Brendan Steacy
cut Philipp Thomas

Coconut Hero is a German-Canadian film by Florian Cossen from 2015. The film premiered at the Munich Film Festival and opened in German cinemas on August 13, 2015.


Mike Tyson is 16 years old and lives with his mother in the Canadian town of Faintville. Without real friends and without his father, who supposedly lives in Germany, he finds life extremely bleak. He decides to kill himself and at the end of the summer vacation tries to shoot himself with a rifle. When he wakes up in the hospital, however, he finds that the attempt has failed.

Shortly thereafter, Mike was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He sees a second chance to end his life and hides the illness in order to bypass the saving operation. With certain death in mind, however, he learns to feel joy and sadness. He also gets to know Miranda, and his father tries to establish contact with him. Mike starts to doubt whether he really wants to die.

When Miranda dies in an accident, Mike decides to undergo brain surgery, which is successful. Miranda is finally buried in the coffin that Mike had already made for himself.


The film service described the film as an “impressive youth drama” that combines “existential depth with cheerfulness”, “spiced with a pinch of absurdity and black humor”. “Excellent dialogues and convincing actors” conveyed “credibly” that “one can only appreciate life”, “if one accepts dying”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for Coconut Hero . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , July 2015 (PDF; test number: 152 893 K).
  2. Release Info. Internet Movie Database , accessed September 9, 2015 .
  3. ^ Wolfgang Hamdorf: Coconut Hero. Filmdienst , 16/2015, accessed on September 9, 2015 (short review ).