Sebastian Schipper

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Sebastian Schipper at the Festival of German Films in June 2009

Sebastian Schipper (born May 8, 1968 in Hanover ) is a German actor and film director .


After graduating from the Eversten Oldenburg high school and studying acting at the Otto Falckenberg School in Munich (1992–1995), he took on minor film roles in addition to his engagement at the Munich Kammerspiele . B. in Small Sharks (1992), The English Patient (1996), Winter Sleepers (1997), England! (2000), The night sings its songs (2004). In the film Ludwig II. Schipper played the older Ludwig in the year of his death.

His first film, which he directed, Absolute Giganten (1999), was awarded the German Film Prize in silver. His second film A Friend of Mine with Jürgen Vogel , Daniel Brühl and Sabine Timoteo was released in 2006. The film in mid-August (2009) takes place in a summer house between Berlin and Hamburg.

He took part in the main competition of the 2015 Berlinale with his feature film Victoria , the story of a bank robbery filmed in a planned sequence . His cameraman Sturla Brandth Grøvlen won a Silver Bear ; he himself received the prize from the German Film Art Theater Guild . Schipper was also named best director at the German Film Prize 2015 , in which Victoria received five other prizes . Schipper also received the Berlin Bear in 2016 for the Victoria team .

Filmography (selection)

as a performer

as a director and screenwriter

Web links

Commons : Sebastian Schipper  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  2. Victoria in the Berlinale program, accessed on January 27, 2015
  3. Berlinale side juries announce winners - "Victoria" wins Gilde-Preis , rbb-online from February 14, 2015, accessed February 15, 2015
  4. German Film Award - It's great that we exist , from June 20, 2015, accessed June 21, 2015