Combretum collinum

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Combretum collinum
Leaves and fruits of Combretum collinum, Burkina Faso

Leaves and fruits of Combretum collinum , Burkina Faso

Eurosiden II
Order : Myrtle-like (Myrtales)
Family : Winged family (Combretaceae)
Genre : Long threads ( Combretum )
Type : Combretum collinum
Scientific name
Combretum collinum

Combretum collinum is a species of long filaments ( Combretum ). The specific epithet collinum means growing on hills.


In Combretum collinum is a small, semi-evergreen tree or shrub of the stature heights of up to 18 m reach. The reddish-brown, gray, black or light yellow to cream-brown bark is slightly red or yellowish in section. The treetop is rounded to flat.

The mostly opposite or whorled, rarely alternating leaves are stalked and simple. The petiole is usually up to 3, rarely 5 cm long, but this is very different. The simple leaf blade has a length of up to 19, rarely 25 cm and a width of 8, rarely 9 cm and is very variable in shape, for example egg-shaped. It is network-nerved with 6 to 14 pairs of lateral nerves. The leaf margin is smooth.

The axillary paniculate or spike-like inflorescences, usually on annual twigs, are up to 10 cm long. The sessile, hermaphrodite, radially symmetrical , four-fold flowers are white to (pale) yellow-green. The four sepals have a length of 0.8 mm and a width of 1.2 mm. The four petals have a length of 1.5 to 2.5 mm and a width of 1 to 2.5 mm. The stamens are 4 to 4.5 mm long. The anthers are 0.9 mm long. The disc has a diameter of about 2 mm. The ovary is subordinate. The smooth or hairy stylus is 4 mm long.

The four-winged wing nut is variable in shape, brown, grayish-brown, reddish-gray to dark-purple, usually looks a bit "metallic", usually has a diameter of about 2.5 to 5.5 cm, hairy and often with scales occupied.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 26.

Combretum collinum
Combretum collinum


In the savanna regions of Africa is Combretum collinum from Senegal in the west to Djibouti in the east and South Africa to find in the South.


The wood is used as construction and furniture wood and for the production of charcoal. There are also medicinal uses of the various parts of the plant and the gum excreted in injuries. and a larvicidal effect on mosquito larvae of the yellow fever mosquito ( Stegomyia aegypti , formerly Aedes aegypti ).


The first description of Combretum collinum was by Johann Baptist Georg Wolfgang Fresenius in 1837 in Mus. Senckenberg, 2: 153. Synonyms for Combretum collinum Fresen. are: Combretum abercornense Exell , Combretum album De Wild. , Combretum angustilanceolatum Engl. , Combretum bajonense Sim , Combretum binderanum Kotschy , Combretum burttii Exell , Combretum cognatum Diels , Combretum coriaceum Schinz , Combretum eylesii Exell , Combretum gazense Swynnerton & Bak. f. , Combretum griseiflorum S. Moore , Combretum junodii Dummer , Combretum laeteviride Engl. & Gilg , Combretum mechowianum O. Hoffm. , Combretum milleranum Burtt Davy , Combretum monticola Engl. & Gilg , Combretum schinzii Engl. & Diels , Combretum tophamii Exell ex Burtt Davy & Hoyle .

The complex species Combretum collinum can also be divided into six subspecies:

  • Combretum collinum subsp. elgonense (Exell) Okafor (Syn .: Combretum elgonense Exell ; Combretum abercornense Exell )
  • Combretum collinum subsp. gazense (. Swynnerton & Bak f.) Okafor (Syn .: Combretum gazense Swynnerton & Bak f.. ; Combretum bajonense Sim ; Combretum eylesii Exell ; Combretum mechowianum . subsp gazense (Swynnerton & Bak f) Duvign... )
  • Combretum collinum subsp. suluense (Engl. & Diels) Okafor (Syn .: Combretum suluense Engl. & Diels ; Combretum angustilanceolatum Engl .; Combretum griseiflorum S. Moore ; Combretum milleranum Burtt Davy )
  • Combretum collinum subsp. kwangense (Duvign.) Okafor (Syn .: Combretum mechowianum subsp. kwangense Duvign. )
  • Combretum collinum subsp. taborense (Engl.) Okafor (Syn .: Combretum taborense Engl. ; Combretum burttii Exell ; Combretum mechowianum subsp. taborense (Engl) Duvign.. )
  • Combretum collinum subsp. ondongense (Engl. & Diels) Okafor (Syn .: Combretum ondongense Engl. & Diels )


  • AW Exell: Combretaceae in the Flora Zambesiaca , Volume 4, 1978: Combretum collinum - Online.
  • J. Berhaut: Flore Illustrée du Sénégal , Volume 2, Dakar, 1974.
  • A. Thiombiano, M. Schmidt, H. Kreft, S. Guinko: Influence du gradient climatique sur la distribution des espèces de Combretaceae au Burkina Faso (Afrique de l'Ouest). in Candollea 61, 2006, 189-203: pdf - Online.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g A. W. Exell: Combretaceae in the Flora Zambesiaca , Volume 4, 1978: Combretum collinum - Online.
  2. a b c d e M. Arbonnier: Arbres, arbustes et lianes des zones sèches d'Afrique de l'Ouest , 2002, CIRAD, MNHN, ISBN 2-85653-546-1 .
  3. Combretum collinum at In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis
  4. ^ J. Odda, S. Kristensen, J. Kabasa, P. Waako: Larvicidal activity of Combretum collinum Fresen. against Aedes aegypti . J Vector Borne Dis, 2008, 45: 321-324: PDF

Web links

Commons : Combretum collinum  - collection of images, videos and audio files