
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Comitia (plural of the Latin comitium "place of assembly") was the name for a popular assembly in ancient Rome . In these meetings (German: Komitien ) the result of an election or vote was not determined on the basis of individual votes, but rather on the basis of the voting results of individual groups. Depending on the type of group, the following comitia were distinguished:

The Comitia was usually preceded by a contio .

How much influence the people in the Roman Republic had on politics through the comitia is controversial. While Polybios viewed Rome as an example of a mixed constitution in which monarchical ( magistrates ), aristocratic ( Senate ) and democratic (Comitia) elements were in balance, later research saw a clear predominance of the Senate, the (or the politicians in it) ) predetermined the decisions of the people's assembly. In recent years some historians have once again given the plebs and thus the comitia a stronger role.
