Companhia de Mossamedes

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Companhia de Mossamedes share dated July 20, 1910

The Companhia de Mossamedes , German: Mossamedes-Gesellschaft , was a royal company founded in the Portuguese colony of Angola in the form of a Limited Liability Company with headquarters in Paris .


The Portuguese colonial company was founded in 1894 with mainly French capital. She was endowed with sovereign rights. As a limited liability company, it issued its own securities . It was named after the southernmost port of Angola, Mossamedes . At times in the twenties there were plans in the Deutsche Reichsbank and also in the Deutsche Bank to participate in the company in order to get foreign currency through it.

The area of ​​the society extended in the south of Angola on the border to the German colony south-west , today Namibia between Port Alexandre to the Kunene , then following the Kubango straight to the Zambezi . The primary task of the company was to promote the expansion of the infrastructure , in particular the construction of new railways, the development and improvement of agricultural production and the development of natural resources. Through expeditions, the society had their area examined for its agricultural value.

Map of the Compagnie de Mossamédes area (Angola)

See also


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