Conflict: The Middle East Political Simulator

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Conflict: The Middle East Political Simulator
Publisher Virgin Interactive
Senior Developer David J. Eastman, Shahid Ahmad
platform PC / DOS, Commodore Amiga and Atari ST
genre Turn-based strategy game , politics simulation
Subject Middle East conflict
control keyboard
language English

Conflict: The Middle East Political Simulator is a computer game released in 1990 . It represents a unique simulation of international politics in the crisis area of the Middle East .

The game was programmed by David J. Eastman in collaboration with graphic artist Shahid Ahmad and published by Virgin Interactive . It appeared in versions for PC , Commodore Amiga and Atari ST .

Game content

The game is set in the Middle East in 1997 , which was then the future . In January 1997, the player succeeds the Israeli Prime Minister who was killed in a bomb attack and has the task of determining foreign policy towards the neighboring states of Syria , Lebanon , Egypt and Jordan as well as the more distant countries Iraq , Iran and Libya . In addition, in need of internal political aspects of the conflict with the Palestinians released and the Israeli army will be equipped. In addition, the player can order a program to manufacture nuclear weapons . In addition, the player should keep an eye on the relationship of the State of Israel with the US and the UN and ensure the trust of the Knesset . With all these options, the entire political network must be taken into account, since the other states also have conflicts among themselves.

The game does not come to an end until either:

  • all neighboring states have fallen into anarchy due to military defeat or civil war ,
  • Israel is militarily defeated,
  • one of the states in the game uses nuclear weapons and a nuclear war is triggered.

The player's reign is then accounted for and his style of government assessed.

Game flow

The game runs in rounds off with a round of one period corresponds to one month. At the beginning of each month, the player receives the news of the last month based on reports in fictitious newspapers . These newspapers also provide information about the relations between other states and are loosened up by reports that are not relevant to the game.

Foreign policy

Then the player has the opportunity to pursue diplomacy . He can make a political stipulation for each state in order to improve the relationship up to the military alliance, to maintain it or to worsen it up to a state of war . Depending on the political relationship, subsidies are also paid or peace treaties offered via the diplomacy menu .

Another option of diplomacy menus provide the intelligence activities of the Mossad . The player may order to support local insurgents or to help the respective State in the fight against terrorists. If a state is destabilized enough, the player can order a coup attempt or an assassination attempt on the head of state. If successful, the state falls into anarchy and is out of the game. On the other hand, if its own secret service activities are uncovered, Israel's reputation suffers.

Domestic politics

In domestic politics, the player only has limited options. A military budget is available every month, which the player can spend on armaments. The weapon systems are offered by the USA , Great Britain , France and a private arms dealer from South Africa . Each country sells weapons from its own production; only the private dealer offers technology of Soviet origin. At the beginning you can only choose from a limited range. Depending on the relationship and the extent of past purchases, other weapons are also available.

The optional Israeli nuclear program also requires monthly grants and is making slow progress with constant payments. In the event of war, nuclear weapons can be used as a last resort.

With regard to the conflict with the Palestinians , the player can specify whether and how the Israeli army should intervene in the Palestinian territories. Depending on the severity with which the area is administered, the conflict may worsen or relax.

USA and UN

A good relationship with the USA is important in order to receive financial support in the form of transfer payments ( military aid ). The amount of payments depends on the relationship with the United States.

In the event of war, the UN can impose an arms embargo to force Israel to negotiate. In addition, the community of states expresses their displeasure with the way they deal with the Palestinians. The UN calls for disarmament conferences every year or calls for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.


The military includes infantry , light and heavy tanks , surface-to-air missiles , attack helicopters , fighters , strategic bombers, and AWACS systems.

A war can be started either with air strikes or with a ground offensive. Air strikes do not immediately lead to wars, but they do damage international relations in any case. Air strikes can be ordered on military, industrial or civilian targets. In addition, there is the option of dealing a setback to the enemy nuclear program with a targeted air strike on the research facility.

To start a war on the ground, mobilization must first take place at the respective border. This action already provokes the enemy, but also strengthens the trust of its own people. If there is an open war, the player has to coordinate the supplies for the front on a strategic level by strengthening units of the individual branches of service. Depending on the balance of power, your own front either moves forward or backward. Multi-front wars also play an important role, forcing the army to split up into several arenas.

If the enemy army is decimated, the war is considered won. Conversely, the same can of course lead to defeat. Finally, a war can also be ended by a ceasefire or the use of nuclear weapons .

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