Constance Kgosiemang

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Constance Letang Kgosiemang , also Constans (born August 5, 1946 in Aminuis , South West Africa ; † August 16, 2012 in Netso ), was the traditional leader of the Batswana in Namibia from 1979 until his death . He carried the title Kgosi and headed the Traditional Administration of Batswana ba Namibia , recognized in 1998 .

He was born to Karl and Cecilia Kgosiemang. He was related to Morwe , the leader of the Tswana from Kuruman ( South Africa ).

Kgosiemang took over the chairmanship of Batswana ba Namibia on April 26, 1979 (or April 28). In 1980, Kgosiemang founded the Seoposengwe Party as the political representative of the Batswana in Namibia. In 1989/90 he was a member of the DTA in the Constituent Assembly of Namibia . From March 21, 1990 to 1993 he was a member of the National Assembly . He later joined SWAPO .

In 2013 his youngest son Andrew Kgosiemang succeeded him to the throne.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Klaus Dierks : Chronology of Namibian History, 1979 . Retrieved May 14, 2020.
  2. BaTswana ba Namibia install Andrew Kgosiemang as new chief. Lela Mobile, September 19, 2013.
  3. ^ Batswana select new leader. New Era. Retrieved May 14, 2020.
predecessor Office successor
Traditional leader of the Batswana ba Namibia
( Traditional leaders of the Tswana )
Andrew Kgosiemang