Constantin von Neurath

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Johann Friedrich Albert Constantin Neurath , von Neurath since 1791 , (born May 17, 1739 in Alsfeld , † October 30, 1816 in Rastatt ) was a German lawyer and Reich Chamber Court assessor.


In 1758 Constantin Neurath began studying law, which he completed at the universities of Giessen and Göttingen . After completing his studies, Neurath initially worked for five years at the Imperial Court of Justice in Wetzlar , where he was able to gain his first practical experience. In 1768 he began working as the clerk of the Count von Isenburg in Büdingen . In 1776 he was appointed to the council at the Higher Appeal Court in Darmstadt . King Friedrich the Great presented Neurath in 1780 on behalf of the Lower Rhine-Westphalian District to the Reich Chamber of Commerce, where he joined the college as an assessor after a difficult trial in 1782. After the Reich Chamber Court was dissolved in 1806, von Neurath entered the service of the Grand Duke of Baden . He died in Rastatt in 1816 as a privy councilor from Baden and president of the court court .

Family background

Constantin Neurath's father was a councilor to the Count of Leiningen . Neurath was ennobled by the King of Prussia in 1791 at the latest . In the camera calendar of 1791 his name is shown as von Neurath . His son Constantin Franz Fürchtegott von Neurath (1777-1817) was the progenitor of the Württemberg noble family von Neurath, from which a number of high-ranking officials and ministers emerged. In 1851, Constantin von Neurath , who later became President of the Privy Council, was elevated to the status of hereditary Württemberg baron.
