Cortez angelfish

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Cortez angelfish
Pomacanthus zonipectus.jpg

Cortez angelfish ( Pomacanthus zonipectus )

Spinefish (Acanthopterygii)
Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Surgeonfish (Acanthuriformes)
Family : Angelfish (Pomacanthidae)
Genre : Pomacanthus
Type : Cortez angelfish
Scientific name
Pomacanthus zonipectus
( Gill , 1862)

The Cortez angelfish ( Pomacanthus zonipectus , syn .: Euxiphipops striatus ) lives in the eastern Pacific from the Gulf of California to Peru over sandy soils at depths of six to 33 meters. While the adult fish live in pairs or in small groups, the juvenile fish are territorial loners.

The fish feed mainly on sponges , tunicates , bog animals , hydrozoans , crustaceans , fish spawn and algae are also eaten. Young fish act as cleaner fish.

Cortez angelfish spawn from mid-summer to early autumn, and juvenile fish are usually seen from August to November.


Young fish

Cortez angelfish grow up to 46 centimeters long. Their basic color is brown-gray, the abdomen is darker. The center of each scale is darker than its edge. The head is dark blue-gray, the neck, throat and pectoral fins are clay-brown to ocher-colored. Two dark gray transverse straps run across the front of the body directly behind the head. The upper edge of the dorsal fin is blue.

The fry, like many angelfish pups, wear a completely different color. They are dark brown, almost blackish. Sickle-shaped transverse bands, six yellow and several very narrow blue ones, extend over the head, flanks and the base of the tail.


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Commons : Pomacanthus zonipectus  - collection of images, videos and audio files