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CryptoKitties (German roughly: Krypto-Kitten) is an online game and DApp that allows players to buy and sell different types of virtual cats , as well as to collect and breed them. It uses the Ethereum blockchain , which is traded in the cryptocurrency Ether. The game comes from the Canadian company Axiom Zen and Animoca Brands and can be played since November 28, 2017.

Game content

Players can mate cats with each other after purchase, which in turn costs ether to pair. Each cat is unique, cannot be replicated or destroyed, and has different characteristics that it can pass on to its offspring. A cat's worth depends on its characteristics and can change. Cats with rare genes or old age cats are particularly expensive. The aim of the game is to get cats with the fewest possible characteristics. The player can make a profit by making more money for mating a cat than he originally paid for the cat. The CryptoKitties can be exported to any other game or application that NFT's support and there find a new use.

Prices and sales

The price of a cat in December 2017 ranged between € 3.50 and € 100,000. By December 4, 2017, the game generated sales of around 3 million US dollars; by December 8, 2017, around 7 million euros were spent on the virtual animals. After the first week, the traffic generated by transactions with cats accounted for about 11 percent of all transactions on the Ethereum network. Due to increased traffic, the developers increased the costs for the birth of a new cat and for the mating of cats, after the increase, a mating cost 0.015 ether (approx. 5.70 €).

By the end of December 2017, the number of user registrations on the CryptoKitties website had increased to 180,000, these users paid the equivalent of about 20 million US dollars for the game. By March 2018, the number of users had grown to over 1.5 million.

On May 12, 2018, a CryptoKitty was auctioned for US $ 140,000.

On March 21, 2018, CryptoKitties received $ 12 million in venture capital funding. On November 1, 2018, Samsung , Alphabet 's GV, and Venrock invested an additional US $ 15 million in cryptokitties.

In 2019, CryptoKitties processed over two million on-chain transactions, more than any other consumer DApp and is one of the most widely used smart contracts on Ethereum. Currently (as of May 2020) there are almost 100,000 "owners" of CryptoKitties.

In July 2020, the trading volume of CryptoKitties reached US $ 37 million.

Origin background

In a whitepaper , the developers state that one of the game's goals is to make the complex blockchain technology palatable to a large number of people.

CryptoKitties runs as a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain . Each cat represents a token in the blockchain .

February 16, 2018 was announced as the release date of a Chinese-language mobile version of the game for the iOS operating system . In August 2018, Animoca announced a collaboration with HTC to bring CryptoKitties to phones.


3.75% of the price of each transaction goes to the game's developers. A week after the game could be played for the first time, they had earned over 300,000 euros. After two weeks, the game was already the most successful application on the Ethereum network.

The New York Times called CryptoKitties "the first big blockchain game". Recipients, including the TechCrunch web portal , compared the game to the beanie baby trend of the 1990s, given its popularity . In the German Wired magazine, Johnny Haeusler said about the game: "CryptoKitties are a clever mix of crypto currency and Tamagotchi with a good pinch of stock market trading."

In 2018, the Center for Art and Media dedicated an exhibition to CryptoKitties.

Dapper Labs CEO Roham Gharegozlou describes CryptoKitties as a way to bring the blockchain into the mainstream: “Games are the way you understand how to use new tools. [...] (He) pointed to early games that helped users familiarize themselves with Microsoft computers. Solitaire taught drag-and-click. Minesweeper taught right click on a mouse. The original version of Hearts taught networking. " And now, Gharegozlou is hoping that cats, battles, and breeding could put a billion people on the blockchain.

CryptoKitties was named "Game of the Year" at the DappAwards at DevCon4 2018 in Prague.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Laignee Barron: CryptoKitties is Going Mobile. Can Ethereum Handle the Traffic? , in: Fortune on February 13, 2018, accessed on March 3, 2018
  4. a b c Eike Kühl: My life as a crypto cat breeder , in: Zeit online from December 8, 2017, accessed on March 3, 2018
  5. a b Björn Bohn: CryptoKitties conquer the Ethereum blockchain , in: heise online from December 4, 2017, accessed on March 3, 2018
  6. a b Nellie Bowles: CryptoKitties, Explained ... Mostly , in: The New York Times, December 28, 2017, accessed on March 4, 2018, original quote: “the first big blockchain game”
  14. ^ Fitz Tepper: People have spent over $ 1M buying virtual cats on the Ethereum blockchain , in: TechCrunch, December 3, 2017, accessed March 4, 2018
  15. Johnny Haeusler : Johnny Haeusler about playing with the CryptoKitties , in: Wired (German edition) from Dec. 5, 2017, accessed on March 4, 2018