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Cutubilla (also known as Cutubilla of Württemberg and as Cukubilla) is a legendary saint who is rarely depicted. 


Shrine of Ulrichskirche in Adelberg Monastery, Cutubilla the second figure from the left

It is believed that the name is derived from Saint Columban of Iona (Columban the Elder), whose Old Irish name was Colum Cille and Latin Columcilla, and who was interpreted as a woman's name. Like Gertrud von Nivelles, Cutubilla is considered the patroness of the mouse and rat plague. Her feast day is March 10th. She is shown with rats or mice at her feet.


Kaukilla representation in Kaga (Sweden)
Unclear attribution: the figure on the right on a winged altar in the parish church of St. Pantaleon in Cologne is most likely St. Gertrud von Nivelles and not St. Cutubilla

Only two representations are known for certain in Germany. One is a shrine figure in the altarpiece of the St. Ulrichs Church in Adelberg Monastery , a former Premonstratensian monastery , together with the Saints Ulrich von Augsburg , Maria , Katharina von Alexandrien and Liborius , from the year 1511, which the workshop of Jörg Syrlin dem Younger or Daniel Mauch was assigned and recently Niklaus Weckmann was assigned, the other on a painting in the castle chapel of Regendorf Castle in Zeitlarn near Regensburg . A third depiction was placed on a winged altar in the St. Pantaleon parish church in Cologne (workshop of Barthel Bruyn the Elder - figure on the right). Most likely it is St. Gertrud von Nivelles .

In Sweden she is shown as Kakukilla , Kaukilla or Kakwkylla in film ( Östhammar municipality ) north of Uppsala and in some other churches ( Harg , Östhammar municipality), Kaga ( Linköping municipality ) and Njutånger ( Hudiksvall municipality ) and Forsa kyrka (Hudiksvall municipality) . A black and white illustration of the representation in the film can be found in the Ecumenical Lexicon of Saints.

Individual evidence

  1. Georg Dehio : Handbuch der deutschen Kunstdenkmäler , Vol. III, 4th edition, Berlin 1933, Deutscher Kunstverlag, p. 2
  2. Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon, Lemma Cutubilla, on the Internet at , accessed on September 19, 2017
  4. Åmark, Mats: Sankta Kakwkylla: spår av ett hemlighetsfullt helgon från vårt medeltida ärkestift, Fornvännen 30 (1935), 356
  5. ^ Ugglas, Carl R .: Ännu några ord om "Sancta Kakukylla", Fornvännen 34 (1939), 180
  6. Cutubilla , Ecumenical Lexicon of Saints


  • Zingerle: Sancta Kakubilla - Catubilla, magazine of the Association for Folklore (Berlin) 1892, p. 199.