Cylindropuntia arbuscula

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Cylindropuntia arbuscula
Cylindropuntia arbuscula 1.jpg

Cylindropuntia arbuscula

Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Cactus family (Cactaceae)
Subfamily : Opuntioideae
Tribe : Cylindropuntieae
Genre : Cylindropuntia
Type : Cylindropuntia arbuscula
Scientific name
Cylindropuntia arbuscula
( Engelm. ) FMKnuth

Cylindropuntia arbuscula is a species of plant in the genus Cylindropuntia in the cactus family(Cactaceae). Thespecific epithet arbuscula means' the little tree, adjuvant; bushy'. Foreign-language common names are "Branched Pencil Cholla", "Bush Cholla", "Chollita", "Chumbera", "Pencil Cholla" and "Tasajo".


Cylindropuntia arbuscula grows shrubby or tree-shaped, is richly branched and reaches heights of 0.5 to 3 meters. On the green, purple-colored, 6 to 10.5 centimeters long and 0.5 to 1.3 centimeters in diameter shoot sections are narrow indistinct humps. The circular areoles are tan to brown woolly and have light yellow glochids . Up to three thorns , which can also be missing, are scattered along the shoot sections. They are strong, usually curved downwards, yellow to reddish brown, and turn black with age. The thorns are 0.8 to 8 inches long. Their loose-fitting sheaths are yellowish brown.

The dark bronze colored to orange-bronze colored flowers reach lengths of 1.7 to 2 centimeters. The green to yellow fruits are fleshy and not thorny. They are 2.5 to 5 inches long and 1.5 to 3.5 inches in diameter.

Distribution, systematics and endangerment

Cylindropuntia arbuscula is distributed in the United States in the state of Arizona and in the Mexican states of Sinaloa and Sonora in the Sonoran Desert up to altitudes of 1000 meters.

The first description as Opuntia arbuscula by George Engelmann was published in 1856. Frederik Marcus Knuth placed the species in 1930 in the genus Cylindropuntia .

In the Red List of Threatened Species of the IUCN , the species is listed as " Least Concern (LC) ". H. listed as not endangered. The development of the populations is regarded as stable due to the wide distribution of individual plants.



Individual evidence

  1. George Engelmann: Synopsis of the Cactaceae of the Territory of the United States and Adjacent Regions . In: Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences . Volume 3, 1856, p. 309 (online) .
  2. Den nye kaktusbog . 1930, p. 105.
  3. Cylindropuntia arbuscula in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2014.1. Posted by: Pinkava, DJ, Puente, R. & Baker, M., 2013. Retrieved June 12, 2014.

Web links

Commons : Cylindropuntia arbuscula  - collection of images, videos and audio files