Cynodontium polycarpon

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Cynodontium polycarpon
Cynodontium polycarpon (e, 145622-482738) 6246.JPG

Cynodontium polycarpon

Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Dicranidae
Order : Dicranales
Family : Oncophoraceae
Genre : Cynodontium
Type : Cynodontium polycarpon
Scientific name
Cynodontium polycarpon
( Hedw. ) Chimp.

Cynodontium Polycarpon (often called Cynodontium polycarpum referred; German Vielfrüchtiger dog tooth or Vielfrüchtiges dog tooth moss) is a moss - kind from the family Oncophoraceae .


Cynodontium polycarpon forms loose, green, up to 4 centimeters high cushioned lawn. The leaves are linear-lanceolate, long, pointed and have rolled up, two-celled and serrated leaf margins. The upper lamina cells are square and nipple, the lower ones rectangular.

The spore capsule on the reddish seta is upright to sloping, elongated ovoid and deeply grooved lengthways when empty. The species is very common.


A distinction is made between two varieties: var. Polycarpon with more or less upright and straight capsules without goiter, and var. Strumiferum with more inclined, curved and clearly goitered capsules. The latter is partly understood as an independent species Cynodontium strumiferum , although a clear delimitation is not always possible without problems.

Location claims and distribution

The moss avoids lime and usually grows on silicate rock with a thin layer of humus in sunny and dry to moist and shady locations, more rarely on tree bark, rotten wood or acidic forest soil.

In Europe it occurs scattered to regionally often from the lower mountain ranges to beyond the tree line. There are other occurrences in parts of Asia and North America.


Web links

Commons : Cynodontium polycarpon  - album with pictures, videos and audio files