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Cynodontium polycarpon

Cynodontium polycarpon

Subdivision : Bryophytina
Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Dicranidae
Order : Dicranales
Family : Oncophoraceae
Genre : Cynodontium
Scientific name

Cynodontium (German Hundszahnmoose ) is a genus of deciduous mosses from the family Oncophoraceae .


Cynodontium species grow on silicate rock and form loose to dense cushions. The plants are 1 to 4 centimeters high, upright, and simply or bifurcated. The leaves, which are curled in the dry state, are linear-lanceolate to awl-shaped, keeled, have rolled leaf margins that are toothed above and a simple rib that extends to the tip of the leaf. The blade cross-section is V-shaped. The lamina cells are elongated and rectangular at the base of the leaf, rounded-square at the top and often nipple. Leaf-wing cells are not or only slightly differentiated. The spore capsule on the yellow seta , up to 15 millimeters long, is upright to inclined, usually straight, ovoid to cylindrical and, in most species, dry furrows. The 16 lanceolate peristomal teeth are red, undivided or perforated lengthways or more or less deeply split into two branches. The kalyptra is hood-shaped.


The mosses are widespread in the Northern Hemisphere and especially in the temperate to arctic climates.


The genus includes 15 species worldwide, of which the following 7 species are represented in Germany, Austria and Switzerland:


  • Jan-Peter Frahm , Wolfgang Frey : Moosflora (= UTB . 1250). 4th, revised and expanded edition. Ulmer, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-8252-1250-5 .
  • Wolfgang Frey, Michael Stech, Eberhard Fischer: Bryophytes and Seedless Vascular Plants (= Syllabus of Plant Families. 3). 13th edition. Borntraeger, Berlin et al. 2009, ISBN 978-3-443-01063-8 .
  • Martin Nebel, Georg Philippi (ed.): The mosses of Baden-Württemberg. Volume 2: Special part, (Bryophytina II, Schistostegales to Hypnobryales). Ulmer, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3530-2 .