Cynoglossum amabile

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Cynoglossum amabile
Cynoglossum amabile

Cynoglossum amabile

Euasterids I
Family : Boraginaceae (Boraginaceae)
Subfamily : Boraginoideae
Tribe : Cynoglosseae
Genre : Dog tongues ( Cynoglossum )
Type : Cynoglossum amabile
Scientific name
Cynoglossum amabile
Stapf & JRDrumm.

Cynoglossum amabile , in German as Chinese dog tongue , Chinese dog tongue , Chinese forget-me-not or lovely dog ​​tongue , is a species of dog's tongue . Theplant nativeto East Asia is used as an ornamental plant.


Cynoglossum amabile is a perennial herbaceous plant that is perennial in its homeland, in cultivation or in wild occurrences, usually annual, with wild occurrences up to about 60 centimeters in height. The more or less hairy stems are upright, individually or in several, bushy branched from the base. The longer basal leaves are long stalked, they are up to about 20 centimeters long, the somewhat shorter stem leaves, of the richly leafy stem, are half-stem-encompassing to sessile. The entire leaf blades are narrowly ovate to eilanceolate or lanceolate, the apex from rounded to pointed with a spike tip. The leaves are colored gray-green due to the soft hairs.

The floriferous, terminal and hairy inflorescence consists of panicley branched double cymes . The short-stalked flowers are hermaphroditic with a double flower envelope . The short and protruding calyx tips of the individual flowers are about 2.5 to 3.5 millimeters long and densely hairy. The corolla is bright blue, rarely white, sometimes pink in cultivars. As typical for the genus, they consist of a short, overgrown corolla tube and five spread, roundish corolla lobes, the throat of the tube is narrowed from the edge by five two-lobed, slightly hooded and blue "throat scales"; the short stamens and short stylus are included in the tube and not plainly visible. The fruit, with remains of the stylus, consists of four barbed, thorny partial fruits ( Klausen ) on the outside , these are 3 to 4 millimeters long.

Distribution and location

The species is found in the mountains in western China, in the highlands of Tibet and in the Himalayas , in China in Gansu , Guizhou , Sichuan , Yunnan and in the Tibet Autonomous Region , and in Nepal and Bhutan . It was introduced to various regions as an ornamental plant and has become wild there, for example in New Zealand and the USA. In Germany it is regarded as an unstable neophyte , in the Netherlands as an adventitious plant . The species is widely used in seed mixtures for summer flowers (" flower meadows " and flower strips ) and has therefore recently shown a tendency to spread. In Austria it was first detected in 2018 as wild.

In China, Cynoglossum amabile grows at sea levels between 2600 and 3700 meters, in meadows, bushes and forests, on roadsides and banks.

Use as an ornamental plant

The species is used as a bed perennial or in seed mixtures for flower strips. Varieties are z. B. 'Blue Showers' (flowering blue) or 'Mystery Rose' (pink). It contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids , but is not known to be particularly toxic.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Cynoglossum amabile Stapf & JR Drummond. Flora of China online (Flora of China, Volume 16, Family Boraginaceae, p. 423).
  2. Cynoglossum amabile Stapf & JRDrumm. Kew Science, Plants of the World online.
  3. Cynoglossum amabile Stapf & JRDrumm. nzflora (based on Webb et al. (1988) Flora of New Zealand. Volume 4).
  4. Eckehart Jäger, Friedrich Ebel, Peter Hanelt, Gerd K. Müller (Ed.): Rothmaler Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Volume 5: Herbaceous ornamentals and useful plants , Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-8274-0918-8 , p. 445.
  5. ↑ Species profile Cynoglossum amabile , lovely dog's tongue . FloraWeb - data and information on wild plants and vegetation in Germany, published by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation.
  6. FLORON Verspreidingsatlas Vaatplanten NDFF National Databank Flora en Fauna & Floron Florist Onderzoek Nederland, as of 2020.
  7. ^ Cynoglossum amabile - Manual of the Alien Plants of Belgium .
  8. Chinese forget-me-not ( Cynoglossum amabile ) . Flora-de: Flora of Germany (old name of the website: Flowers in Swabia), by Thomas Meyer.
  9. Michael Hohla: Physalis grisea and Sedum pallidum new for Austria as well as further articles on the adventitious flora of Austria. In: Stapfia. 109, 2018, pp. 35-40 ( PDF on ZOBODAT ).
  10. Barbara W. Ellis: Taylor's Guide to Annuals: How to Select and Grow More Than 400 Annuals, Biennials, and Tender Perennials. Houghton Miffin, New York 1999. ISBN 0-395-94352-3 , p. 267.
  11. A. El-Shazly, T. Sarg, A. Ateya, E. Abdel Aziz, L. Witte, M. Wink: P yrrolizidine alkaloids of Cynoglossum officinale and Cynoglossum amabile (family Boraginaceae). In: Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 24 (5), 1996, 415-421.

Web links

Commons : Cynoglossum amabile  - collection of images, videos and audio files