Cyphanthera tasmanica

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Cyphanthera tasmanica
Euasterids I
Order : Nightshade (Solanales)
Family : Nightshade family (Solanaceae)
Genre : Cyphanthera
Type : Cyphanthera tasmanica
Scientific name
Cyphanthera tasmanica

Cyphanthera tasmanica is a plant type from the genus cyphanthera in the family of the nightshade family (Solanaceae).


Cyphanthera tasmanica is an upright, gray-green shrub with a height of up to 4 m. The twigs are hairy densely to moderately grainy and tomentose, the hair consists of star-shaped to tree-shaped, non-glandular trichomes , between which there are some scattered glandular trichomes. The leaves are elliptical, almost sessile, tomentose and usually 15 to 30 mm long and 4 to 9 mm wide, but sometimes they can be larger.

The inflorescences are panicle-shaped , dense and leafy. The flowers are on 2 to 9 mm long peduncles , the calyx reaches lengths of 3.5 to 7 mm and is tomentose. The crown is creamy-white in color and has purple stripes, it is hairy and 10 to 15 mm long. The corolla lobes are oval-cut and 5 to 9 mm long. The stamens reach a length of 2 to 4 mm.

The fruit is a more or less spherical capsule with a diameter of 4 to 5 mm. It contains seeds 2.5 to 3.5 mm in length.

Distribution and locations

The species is a rare endemic that occurs on the east coast of Tasmania and the islands in front of it. The plants are found in steep, rocky, and exposed locations along the coast.


  • RW Purdie, DE Symon and L. Haegi: Cyphanthera tasmanica . In: Solanaceae , Flora of Australia, Volume 29, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1982. p. 25. ISBN 0-642-07015-6 .