Czesław Paweł Dutka

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Czeslaw P. Dutka

Czesław Paweł Dutka (born January 30, 1936 in Oryszkowce in the former Tarnopol Voivodeship ; † January 10, 2020 in Polanica-Zdrój ) was a Polish philologist specializing in literary theory, methodology and literary sociology and the first rector of the State University of Applied Sciences “ Angelus Silesius ”in Wałbrzych .


Czesław Paweł Dutka included a Polonistikstudium at the University of Wroclaw from, was in 1956 removed from university to work in a sanatorium for children in Polanica-Zdroj . From 1965 to 1975 he worked as a teacher in middle schools in Kłodzko . He was a co-organizer of the Kłodzko Poetry Spring (pl. Kłodzka Wiosna Poetycka ) and lecturer of the discussion club in the Światowid cinema. From 1977 to 1982 he taught sociology at the Breslau Politechnikum and in 1978 he defended his doctorate at the University of Breslau. From 1982 he worked at the Philological Institute of the College of Education in Zielona Góra (later University of Zielona Góra ). In 1990 he completed his habilitation at the University of Wroclaw and was appointed professor in 2000. From 1999 to 2008 he was rector of the “Angelus Silesius” college in Wałbrzych.

Czesław Dutka was an avid chess player and co-organizer of the chess tournament “A. Rubinstein ”in Polanica. He was also a translator of Russian literature and a great promoter of poets as well as Spiritus Rector of the Uniwersytet Poezji in Zielona Góra, a literary project in the "Stowarzyszenie Jeszcze Żywych Poetów / Association of Still Living Poets".

Main publications

  • Tancerz idei. Pisarz jako autor i świadek znaczeń , Zielona Góra 1995.
  • Mistrzowie i szkoły. Szkice o tradycji literaturoznawstwa , Zielona Góra 1998.
  • Słowo peryferyjne. Eseje, szkice literackie i recenzje , Zielona Góra 1999.
  • Genologia i konteksty , Zielona Góra 2000.
  • Literatura - badacz i krytyk. Wybrane role partnerów interakcji poznawczej , Zielona Góra 2000.
  • Norwid - nasz współczesny. Profecja i recepcja , Zielona Góra 2002.


Individual evidence
