DR series V 75

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DR series V 75
Locomotive 107 018 of the Deutsche Reichsbahn
Locomotive 107 018 of the Deutsche Reichsbahn
Numbering: V 75 001–020
107 001–020 (from 1970)
Number: 20th
Manufacturer: ČKD , Prague
Year of construction (s): 1962
Retirement: until 1986
Axis formula : Bo'Bo '
Gauge : 1435 mm ( standard gauge )
Length over buffers: 12,560 mm
Height: 3905 mm
Trunnion Distance: 6300 mm
Bogie axle base: 2400 mm
Service mass: 62.6 t
Wheel set mass : 15.8 t
Top speed: 60 km / h
Installed capacity: 552 kW
Driving wheel diameter: 1000 mm
Motor type: 1 × ČKD 6 S 310 DR
Motor type: Four-stroke diesel engine
Power transmission: electric
Brake: single release air brake K-GP mZ
Particularities: Nickname Hector

The locomotives of the DR series V 75 (from 1970: series 107 ) were diesel-electric shunting locomotives of the Deutsche Reichsbahn .

They were intended as a replacement for the largely worn steam shunting locomotives of the 80 series for the shunting service in Leipzig Hbf . Since the mid / late 1950s were not yet able to procure their own vehicles, 20 machines were imported from Czechoslovakia , most of them from the T 435.0 series (today: 720 series) and the Soviet ЧМЭ2 (ČME2) corresponded. The machines were mainly used in shunting services at Leipzig train stations. But they were also used in front of weed control and construction trains and in the warm season in front of passenger trains .


The locomotive was designed in a bridge frame design with an end driver's cab and outside circulation. The slow-running diesel engine with a nominal output of 750 PS (547 kW) transferred its power electrically to the four axes via an externally excited direct current generator with an externally excited exciter machine and direct current series motors . Two axles each were stored in a bogie . The maximum speed was 60 km / h. The compressed air brake was adapted to German conditions, the machines were equipped with a single Knorr control valve. It is unusual for locomotives with a terminal cab that the main direction of travel provided by the manufacturer is that with the front end. The driver's cab is only fully equipped in this direction, for driving with the driver's cab ahead with a significantly better view of the route, only an auxiliary control panel with the most necessary operating directions is available. There are two entry doors, one in the middle of the end stage, the second leading to the left-hand perimeter.

Detail of a technical drawing of the diesel locomotive number 107 004-4 of the Deutsche Reichsbahn


The class V 75 locomotives were used as shunting locomotives , especially in the greater Leipzig area. The last vehicles were stationed in Eilenburg until 1984 .

The majority of the locomotives were scrapped after being retired. An exception are two locomotives that came to the works railway of the Karsdorf cement works . In the 1990s, the Karsdorfer Eisenbahngesellschaft (KEG) took over the two locomotives and also acquired four largely identical vehicles from the Czech Republic. Until the KEG went bankrupt in spring 2004, the six locomotives were used in construction train service. They could still be found in this area of ​​application - but now owned by Arco Transportation GmbH, which acquired numerous earlier KEG vehicles in 2004/2005. The former V 75 004 has also been scrapped (2011).

The former V 75 018 was refurbished by Railsystems RP GmbH and is operational again in the external condition of the Deutsche Reichsbahn as 107 018 .

Identical vehicles

Web links

Commons : DR Class 107  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Locomotives. Retrieved April 8, 2020 .