Daniel Pareus

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Daniel Pareus (* 1605 in Worms-Neuhausen ; † probably July 17, 1635 in Kaiserslautern ) was a philologist and Reformed teacher .


The son of the rector in Neuhausen, Johann Philipp Pareus , received his education from his father, who was rector at the Casimirianum in Neustadt an der Weinstrasse from 1610 to 1622 . In 1619 he enrolled at the University of Heidelberg during the third rectorate of his grandfather, the Reformed theologian David Pareus . The Electoral Palatinate soon became the main theater of war in the Thirty Years' War . Because of the danger posed by muggers, he accompanied his grandfather back to Heidelberg in May 1622 and stood at his deathbed in June 1622.


Pareus worked from 1633 to 1635 as vice principal at the Casimirianum in Neustadt, then came to Kaiserslautern in the chaos of war, where he is said to have opened a school. 80 years later , his biographer Georg Christian Joannis could not find out anything certain about his further fate . He may have lost his life during or after the capture of Kaiserslautern by the imperial troops under General Gallas in the summer of 1635.


The number of his literary works is a very significant one, he published Musaeus in 1627 , Herodian in the same year , Quintilianus in 1629 , Heliodors Aethiopica and Lucretius in 1631 and wrote Animadversiones for his father's Sallust edition. Of his historical writings, the “Universalis historiae profanae medulla” 1631, the “Universalis historiae ecclesiaticae medulla” 1633, but especially the “Historia Palatina” 1633, which deals with the history of the Palatinate until 1630 and re-edited in 1717 by Georg Christian Joannis has been.


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