Daniel Schwerd

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Daniel Schwerd

Daniel Schwerd (born November 3, 1966 in Cologne ) is a German politician ( Die Linke , formerly Pirate Party ). From 2012 to 2017 he was a member of the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia .


After graduating from high school at the Apostle Gymnasium in Cologne and completing military service, Daniel Schwerd completed an apprenticeship as a mathematical-technical assistant at an insurance company and studied computer science with a degree in computer science at the FernUniversität Hagen . After working as a consultant, system architect and project manager, he works as an independent entrepreneur . Schwerd is married and has two children.


Schwerd belonged to the Pirate Party from 2009 to 2015 and was chairman of the Cologne district association from 2010 to 2013. In the state elections in North Rhine-Westphalia in 2012 on May 13, 2012, Schwerd was elected to 10th place on the state list of the Pirate Party of North Rhine-Westphalia in the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia for the 16th legislative period. There he was a member of the economic committee and deputy chairman of the committee for culture and media. In the pirate faction he was the spokesman for economic, network and media policy. He was an honorary member of the media commission of the State Agency for Media North Rhine-Westphalia (LfM) and the supervisory board of NRW.Invest GmbH.

On October 23, 2015, he announced his resignation from both the pirate faction and the pirate party. On March 9, 2016, he announced that he had joined the party “ DIE LINKE. “And from now on I will work as their member of the state parliament.

For “ DIE LINKE. “He took 12th place on the state list for the state elections on May 14, 2017 in North Rhine-Westphalia. In the state elections, Schwerd in the state electoral district of Cologne III , in which he was also nominated as a direct candidate, achieved his party's best second-vote result in the state with 12.1%. After the party missed the five percent threshold in the election, he left the state parliament at the end of the 16th legislative period.

The main focus is on network and media policy, the digitization of all areas of life, privacy, data protection and democracy as well as the fight against surveillance. Schwerd regularly publishes political guest comments, for example in the Handelsblatt , Neues Deutschland , der Freitag , haGalil , Carta or politik-digital.de .

Political positions

Data retention

After the domestic political spokesmen of the CDU / CSU in the federal and state governments called for a law on data retention on May 9, 2014 in a position paper called the “Erfurt Declaration” , Schwerd said: “The belief in the necessity and effectiveness of data retention has esoteric features” . Schwerd rejected the demand for a new legal basis for the reintroduction of data retention on the grounds that there was no increase in the clearing-up rate of criminal offenses for the period from January 1, 2008 to March 2, 2010, in which there had been data retention in Germany that were committed with the Internet as a means of crime could be proven. Schwerd described the data retention as "dangerous for our freedom and our democracy".

Net neutrality

Following statements by Chancellor Merkel on net neutrality , he criticized the fact that incorrect arguments were used in the debate. Neither driverless cars nor telemedicine would require exceptions to net neutrality. Self-driving cars that can only navigate safely with a stable internet connection would be “more than negligent”, vital operations over a conventional internet connection without dedicated fail-safe lines would be “bodily harm”. Only if all users benefit from it is it justified to prefer certain data packages on the Internet. Special services should not be an excuse "to forego the urgently needed network expansion", said Schwerd. “Outsourcing part of Internet services” is always “a violation of net neutrality”.

Interference liability

Schwerd clearly criticized the risk of interference liability , which threatens operators of open WLANs . It is "completely unproven that open WLAN access has a notable effect on illegal file sharing ". He rejects any obligation to encrypt or instruct the users of the network. A "permanent instruction on how to obey the law" has "no moral nutritional value". The requirement for network operators to know all users by name is not feasible. Such demands represent a “gateway for new waves of warnings and a source of new legal uncertainty”, the free radio movement of open wireless citizen networks would be “dealt the death blow” and efforts to create better Internet coverage in the country would be thwarted, said Schwerd.

Sampling and copyrights

The decision of the Federal Constitutional Court , sampling to allow, under certain conditions, welcomed fword. It is "a victory for remix culture and modern pop and dance music that lives heavily on samples". “We all stand on the shoulders of giants,” said Schwerd. Every invention, every work makes use of certain ideas, parts and concepts of inventions and works beforehand, since it is necessary that an artist can “enter into an artistic dialogue with existing works”. He must do this fairly and not hinder the commercial success of the predecessor. In the light of this decision, however, the ancillary copyright for press publishers is also on "shaky legs".

defense of Constitution

Schwerd described the constitutional protection report of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in 2016 as a “testimony to organized state failure”. While crimes from the right are increasing, it would be suggested that there is an “almost great danger from the left”. That is "bullshit". The number of cases of left-wing crime would be “jazzed up”, “everyday right-wing terrorism played down”. He also criticized the observation of parts of the left and of Kurdish associations. The industrial espionage of friendly secret services is also not yet an issue, for the "digital attack arsenals of NSA and GCHQ " one still does not feel responsible, he criticized. It is “time to dissolve the protection of the Constitution nationwide” and “to transfer the tasks that are actually indispensable in a modern democracy to a new authority that is fundamentally subject to democratic control”, he wrote in Neues Deutschland .

Unconditional basic income

Schwerd creates a connection between the changes in the world of work due to Work 4.0 and Industry 4.0 and the unconditional basic income . Not all people would find their place in the new world of work, which is why a “right to lifelong and free education and further training” and a reduction in working hours “through shorter weekly and lifetime working hours” are needed. The rationalization dividend of digitization could "open up scope" for this. In addition, a “minimum existence and participation free from sanctions” is required: the unconditional basic income “secures material existence and enables participation in all areas of society”, formulated Schwerd. In addition to a fair tax system, inheritance and wealth tax, robots and algorithms should make their contribution to financing: "If they take on people's work, they should also help to ensure their livelihood."

Network Enforcement Act

The Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG) criticized Schwerd. The stated purpose - to push back hate messages and fake news on the Internet - would be missed. On the other hand, numerous harmful side effects would occur: The social media operators would delete “more than once too little” in case of doubt due to the impending fines. To prevent the recurrence of deleted messages, social media companies would install automatic filters "with all the known disadvantages of incorrect filtering and over- blocking ". In any case, state or private sector pre-checking of news entails "the immediate danger of censorship ". It would be good if every service provider “had to offer a standardized way of how those affected can report false news or hatred” and “then provide transparent information about further processing”. He also called for media skills to be strengthened, especially media criticism: “the critical handling of media and content”.


Web links

Commons : Daniel Schwerd  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia: Daniel Schwerd
  2. Article Take care and thank you for the fish. on Daniel Schwerd's website
  3. ^ Roland Kaufhold : Into the center of North Rhine-Westphalian "anti-Zionism". Former pirate politician Daniel Schwerd, a credible representative of the fight against anti-Semitism, is moving to the left in North Rhine-Westphalia
  4. Country list DIE LINKE. NRW
  5. Election results of the state elections 2017: Ranking DIE LINKE.
  6. ^ A b Daniel Schwerd: "Ms. Merkel, you are playing wrong!" In: Handelsblatt. December 17, 2014, accessed October 24, 2015 .
  7. ^ Daniel Schwerd: Domestic policy from the day before yesterday. In: New Germany. December 17, 2014, accessed October 24, 2015 .
  8. ^ Daniel Schwerd: A favor for the coalition partner. In: New Germany. June 27, 2015, accessed October 24, 2015 .
  9. a b Daniel Schwerd: On the shoulders of giants. In: New Germany. June 8, 2016, archived from the original on June 8, 2016 ; accessed on October 16, 2016 .
  10. ^ A b Daniel Schwerd: Dangerous and over the target. In: New Germany. April 12, 2017. Retrieved May 17, 2017 .
  11. Author profile on "der Freitag"
  12. ^ Daniel Schwerd: "Operation Last Chance". In: haGalil. April 30, 2015, accessed October 24, 2015 .
  13. Author profile on "Carta"
  14. Author profile at "politik-digital.de"
  15. The internal political spokesman for the CDU / CSU in the federal and state levels: Erfurt declaration. May 9, 2014, accessed March 10, 2020 .
  16. ^ Daniel Schwerd: Data Retention: The Investigation Vacuum in the Mind. In: Carta. May 13, 2014, accessed October 24, 2015 .
  17. Daniel Schwerd: Topic: Commentary on liability for interference: Hope rests on the Federal Council. In: Politics Digital. November 5, 2015, accessed October 16, 2016 .
  18. Federal Constitutional Court: Press release on the sampling judgment. May 31, 2016, accessed October 16, 2016 .
  19. ^ Daniel Schwerd: trivialize right, criminalize left. In: New Germany. July 11, 2016, accessed October 16, 2016 .
  20. ^ Daniel Schwerd: Work 4.0 and the unconditional basic income. In: Blog. October 6, 2016, accessed October 16, 2016 .