Daniel Wisser

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Daniel Wisser (2018)
Daniel Wisser reads from STANDBY in the Literaturhaus Graz (2012)

Daniel Wisser (born May 21, 1971 in Klagenfurt ) is an Austrian writer and musician.


Daniel Wisser studied German at the University of Vienna . Since 1990 he has written prose , poetry and radiophonic works and is active as an editor and publisher of contemporary literature. His debut novel Dopplergasse Acht was published in 2003 by Ritter Verlag . In 2011, Wisser took part in the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize in Klagenfurt . In the same year his second novel STANDBY was published, which attracted a lot of attention with its instruction-based language, which is almost entirely passive.

He was awarded the Austrian Book Prize 2018 for his novel Queen of the Mountains .

As a musician, Daniel Wisser has been a member of the band First Vienna Home Organ Orchestra since 1994 .


In 2017, Wisser appeared as a candidate at the millionaire show with Armin Assinger , where he made it to the hot seat and mastered 14 of 15 questions with flying colors. In the million question, however, he got out and won 300,000 euros.




Web links

Commons : Daniel Wisser  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kleine Zeitung: Austrian Book Prize goes to Daniel Wisser, Debut Prize for Marie Gamillscheg . Article dated November 5, 2018, accessed November 5, 2018.
  2. Millionaire show: 300,000 euros won at Assinger . In: www.kleinezeitung.at . ( kleinezeitung.at [accessed on May 9, 2017]).
  3. orf.at: Johann Beer Literature Prize for Daniel Wisser . Article dated October 29, 2018, accessed October 30, 2018.
  4. Daniel Wisser: "A separate form for every text" ( Memento from September 15, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Interview with APA, Kleine Zeitung, June 27, 2011
  5. ^ Daniel Wisser: Pre-print from STANDBY in Die Presse , 23 September 2011
  6. Alexander Kluy: Review: The World - An Error Message Der Standard, May 18, 2012