Young and old

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Jung und Jung Verlag GmbH

legal form GmbH
founding 2000
Seat Salzburg
management Jochen Jung
Branch publishing company

The publishing house Jung und Jung was founded in 2000 in Salzburg by the long-time lecturer and managing director of the Residenz publishing house , the Germanist and writer Jochen Jung . The publishing house is primarily dedicated to contemporary German literature with a focus on Austria, but also publishes translations from other languages ​​and times. Art books and books on the subject of music complete the program. On November 3, 2005, Jochen Jung was awarded the Salzburg Economy Book Prize for his “publishing and entrepreneurial courage” .

The German-speaking authors of the Jung und Jung publishing house include Melanie Arns , HC Artmann , Xaver Bayer , Günter Brus , Erwin Einzinger , Sherko Fatah , Ludwig Fels , Anselm Glück , Peter Handke , Gert Jonke , Elfriede Kern , Alfred Kolleritsch , Ursula Krechel , Inge Merkel , Robert Musil , Melinda Nadj Abonji , Christine Pitzke , Martin Prinz , Klaus Reichert , Julian Schutting , Arnold Stadler , Peter Waterhouse , Daniel Wisser , Gernot Wolfgruber , among the translated are internationally renowned contemporary authors such as Adonis and Dimitri T. Analis , Robert Creeley or Peer Hultberg , but also classics such as Hart Crane , Herman Melville , William Shakespeare , Edmund Spenser , William Butler Yeats or the Finnish national epic Kalevala by Elias Lönnrot .

The aesthetic design of the books was in the hands of the Austrian artist Walter Pichler from the beginning of the publishing house until his death in 2012 . One of the lecturers is the Bachmann Prize juror Paul Jandl .

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Individual evidence

  1. Excellent publishing and entrepreneurial courage. “Salzburg Economy Book Prize” awarded to Salzburg publisher Jochen Jung .
  2. Paul Jandl becomes a lecturer at Jung und Jung / Dr. Angelika Klammer leaves the publishing house , Book Market September 13, 2010, accessed July 18, 2012