Daniel Zwanziger

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Daniel Zwanziger (born May 20, 1935 in New York City ) is an American theoretical physicist . He deals with quantum field theory , mathematical physics and elementary particle physics.


Zwanziger studied at Columbia University with a bachelor's degree (in philosophy) in 1955 and a doctorate in physics in 1960. He was a post-doctoral student at the University of California, Berkeley , where he was a lecturer , at the University of Rome (1962/63 ) and at the Center for Nuclear Physics in Saclay (1963–1965). From 1965 he was at New York University , where he was Associate Professor in 1967 and Professor in 1970. In 1984 he was at the Institute for Advanced Study , in 1981 visiting professor at the Ecole Normale Superieure and in 1980 at CERN .

In the early 1960s he showed that gauge invariance already follows from the conditions for the Lorentz invariance of the scattering amplitudes for the interaction with massless particles. In 1969 he showed with G. Velo that the Rarita-Schwinger equation (relativistic wave equation for particles with spin 3/2) leads to acausal behavior (such as wave propagation with faster than light speed) when coupled to an electromagnetic field.

The Gribov Twenties Effect is named after him and Wladimir Naumowitsch Gribow , a generalization of the theory of Gribov copies in Yang Mills theories , which also play a role in Gribov's theory of confinement. Zwanziger also deals intensively with the confinement problem in Yang Mills theories.

He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the New York Academy of Sciences .

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Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to American Men and Women of Science , Thomson Gale 2004
  2. Zwanziger Construction of Amplitudes with Massless Particles and Gauge Invariance in S-Matrix Theory , Physical Review, Volume 133, 1964, pp. 1036-1045, bibcode : 1964PhRv..133.1036Z , Zwanziger Invariant amplitudes of massless particles in WE Brittin, AO Barut Lectures in theoretical physics , Boulder, 1964
  3. Velo, Zwanziger Propagation and Quantization of Rarita-Schwinger Waves in an External Electromagnetic Potential , Physical Review, Volume 186, 1969, p. 1337, the same Noncausality and Other Defects of Interaction Lagrangians for Particles with Spin One and Higher , Physical Review, Volume 188, 1969, p. 2218
  4. Zwanziger Local and renormizable action from the Gribov horizon , Nuclear Physics B, Volume 323, 1989, pp. 513-544
  5. Vandersickel, Zwanziger The Gribov problem and QCD dynamics , Review, 2012, arxiv : 1202.1491