The luxury bathroom

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Original title The luxury bathroom
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1918
length approx. 56 minutes
Director Franz Hofer
script Franz Hofer
production Isidor Fett , Karl Wiesel
camera Ernst Krohn

The Luxusbad is a German silent film fun play by Franz Hofer, filmed in 1917, with Lya Ley and Carl Auen in the leading roles.


Countess Lo von Broichen had actually intended to go with her father to a glamorous seaside resort with all the trimmings. But he cancels at the last minute because he wants to devote himself entirely to his fiancée. Lo doesn't want to spend the summer holidays alone at Broichen Castle either, and so she asks Nelly, her friend from the girls' boarding-school days, to accompany her to Neu-Baden to see her aunt and uncle. But contrary to what you might think, Neu-Baden is by no means a pampering spa, a chic health resort, a sophisticated luxury bathroom - on the contrary: it is a completely sleepy nest on the edge of the forest, where the fox and the rabbit say good night. Nelly's uncle earns his living as a landlord in this tranquil place. Both girls are deeply disappointed.

The only bright spot, because it exudes a breath of the big, wide world, is a guest, the alerted Graf von Schmachtewitz, to whom Lo and Nelly allow themselves the fun of acting as servants. His high born is not stupid, however, and quickly realizes that the two girls just want to fool him and are by no means maids. And so he plays along with the game and constantly puts you in embarrassment and uncomfortable situations. Completely exasperated, Lo finally wants to leave, even though she has long since languished emotionally against Schmachtewitz. He, too, fell in love with the brisk, perky countess. So Lo did not find her luxury bathroom, but the man for life.

Production notes

The luxury bathroom passed film censorship in August 1917 and was premiered in January 1918 in Berlin's marble house. The three-acter initially had a length of 1150 meters.


“Lia Ley as Lo is delightful and both the sweetest comtess and a lovely maid. Rudi Wehr as Nelly plays with a lot of kindness and grace. Carl Auen as Count is, as always, unsurpassable. "

- Neue Kino-Rundschau of July 27, 1918. p. 9

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