David C. Williams

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David Christian Williams (* 1958 in Macomb , Illinois ) is an American composer .


David Christian Williams was born in Macomb , Illinois and raised in St. Louis , Missouri . He received his bachelor's degree in music from Southwest Missouri State University and his master's degree from the University of North Texas . He then took lessons from the composer John Corigliano to specialize in film composition. Since his debut as a film composer for the crime thriller Delirium in 1979 , Williams has been responsible as a composer for films such as Critters 3 - The Kuschelkiller are coming , God's Army - The Final Battle and Wishmaster 2 - Evil Never Dies .

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. David C. Williams , faqs.org
  2. ^ WILLIAMS, David C. , encyclopedia.com