Manticore - Bloody Claws

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German title Manticore - Bloody Claws
Original title Manticore
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 2005
length 88 minutes
Director Trip Reed
script John Werner
production Jeffery Beach ,
Phillip J. Roth
music David C. Williams
camera Lorenzo Senatore
cut Trip Reed,
David Flores

Manticore - Bloody Claws (Original title: Manticore ) is an American horror film from 2005 . The focus of the action is the manticore , a creature from Greek mythology .


Soldiers from the 10th Mountain Division stationed in Iraq are sent in an armored vehicle to find a missing journalist and her cameraman. Meanwhile, Sheikh Umari awakens two petrified monsters, the manticores, in a temple-like cave with the help of an amulet. With their help, he wants to regain the royal throne of his Babylonian ancestors who created these beasts. One of the monsters can be destroyed by one of those present during its transformation, the other monster can complete its transformation and kills all present; only Sheikh Umari can flee.

The soldiers, led by Sergeant Baxter, encounter signs of attack along the way. An injured local lying in a destroyed car warns them of a danger and tells them to flee. One of the soldiers is killed by the manticore. The troop drives on and finally finds the temple cave and the bodies. One of the soldiers picks up the amulet lying on the ground and hangs it on. The vehicle is damaged by a mine on the way and the group decides to go to the next village.

They find the village deserted, only a little boy crosses their path. As they follow this, they find the journalist, the cameraman and some locals hidden in a room, including a professor who testifies to have been to visit his relatives. The professor is Sheikh Umari, who fled. After an attack by the manticore, other members of the commando are killed.

A helicopter requested to evacuate the team and the civilians is brought down by the manticore; the manticore survives this and the bombardment of the soldiers without damage.

The soldiers decide to lure the manticore into a trap and kill it with an air strike; even the missile cannot kill the manticore. One of the soldiers is suddenly attacked and killed by Umari - Umari brings the amulet around him that protects him from the beast.

Umari tells that the manticore and its counterpart, destroyed during the transformation, were created by a Babylonian king to secure his power as a kind of biological weapon of mass destruction. They can only be destroyed if they look at each other and freeze to stone. Since the second monster was destroyed, no one could stop the manticore.

Baxter tries to outsmart the manticore by showing it his own reflection with the help of a mirror; As soon as the manticore begins to petrify, Corporal Keats is supposed to shoot it with an anti-tank rifle and destroy it. The mirror image has the desired effect; the manticore petrified. When the sergeant gives the order to fire, he is knocked down by Umari, the monster can no longer see his reflection and wakes up again. Keats's shot misses the manticore; the amulet that protects the wearer from the manticore is destroyed. Umari is then killed by the manticore.

Baxter, Keats and the little boy from town escape in or under the broken down armored vehicle. Baxter tries again to fool the manticore with the help of a video camera display. This trick also has the desired effect, but the camera is running out of battery power. At the last moment, Keats pulls a hammer out of the armored vehicle and smashes the petrified manticore.


  • The magazine Cinema writes in its online edition: "The cheap computer effects and the unoriginal story are at best suitable for an amusing trash TV evening." Conclusion: "Horribly tricked monster chase in the sand."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Manticore - Bloody Claws. In: . Hubert Burda Media , accessed on May 17, 2015 .