David Froman

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David Wesley Froman (born December 31, 1938 in Miami , Ottawa County , Oklahoma , † February 8, 2010 there ) was an American actor .


Froman began his acting career in 1980 in the soap opera The Edge of Night , in which he played the twin brothers Gunther and Bruno Wagner until 1984. He then took on guest roles in various television series . Between 1986 and 1994 he played the role of Lt. Bob Brooks in the popular Matlock series . He also worked as an acting teacher at the college in his hometown between 1961 and 1969 and from 1994 to 2002 . He appeared there by the end of 2009 at the local theater, including performances of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof , Fiddler on the Roof and The King and I .

Froman was married and had three children. He died of cancer .

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Miami Little Theater (English)
  2. The Joplin Globe ( Memento of the original from February 13, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (English) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.joplinglobe.com