David Mair (Luge Rider)

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David Mair, 2015

David Mair (born August 21, 1984 in Sterzing ) is an Italian luge rider .

David Mair lives in Meransen and works as a carabiniere . At the beginning of the 2003/04 season he made his debut in Sigulda in the Luge World Cup and was 39. Only in the following season Mair was used again in the World Cup, and from then on belonged to the trunk of the Italian World Cup team. His results were on average around 25th place, in the end he reached 32nd place in the overall ranking. Mair made his international breakthrough in luge in the 2005/06 season . With many good places, including a tenth place in Lake Placid , he finished 18th overall. The following season she was able to maintain the level and at the end of the 15th place in the overall standings, but not achieve another placement in the top ten. The 2007/08 season went even better , in which Mair was eighth and tenth in Sigulda and at the end was 14th overall. Outstanding successes at major events have so far been lacking. At the European Luge Championships in 2006 in Winterberg , Mair finished 12th, at the 2007 World Championships in Igls he was 14th, at the 2008 World Championships in Oberhof only 24th. The 2008 European Luge Championships in Cesana Pariol came 14th during the 2008 season / 09 Mair was able to achieve another top ten position in ninth place in Königssee . At the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver , he finished 17th.

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