DayZ (Mod)

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Studio Czech RepublicCzech Republic Bohemia Interactive
Senior Developer Dean Hall
June 2012
platform Windows
Game engine Real Virtuality 3
genre Survival horror , open world game
Subject Zombie apocalypse
Game mode Multiplayer
control Mouse , keyboard
medium Download
language German, English, Russian
Current version 1.9.0 / December 12, 2017
information Requires ArmA 2 : Combined Operations ( ArmA 2 and ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead )

DayZ is a mod based on ArmA 2 , a tactical shooter from Bohemia Interactive from 2009. DayZ is a survival simulation of a zombie apocalypse from the New Zealand game developer Dean Hall and was released in June 2012 for the PC . The independent game DayZ emerged from it on December 16, 2013 .


The player starts on a stretch of beach in the fictional post-Soviet state of Chernarus (Tschernarussland), whose inhabitants have been turned into zombies by an unexplained viral disease. As a survivor (ger .: survivor ) should the player unarmed, equipped with little supplies inland to fight his,, water Food arms ammunition Survival to find energy-saving equipment and medications. He meets zombies on the one hand and other survivors on the other. The latter, like the player himself, are controlled by other players and can therefore be both friendly and hostile. You can ally yourself with friendly characters; one is killed and robbed by bandits. This fact requires a tactical, forward-looking and prudent approach, which creates its own tension and mood. In the broadest sense, DayZ can be viewed as a virtual social experiment in which people have to deal with their own and other players' actions in a wide variety of ways. So you quickly ask yourself moral questions like: "Am I helping another player or do I kill him and benefit from his equipment?"


DayZ is an open-world game of the survival horror genre ; there are no game goals in the true sense of the word. The only goal is to survive and get by.

The player usually has to move as quietly as possible through the 225 km² game world, because walking or running makes noise, which attracts zombies in the vicinity. Loud shots also attract the zombies' attention. Soundproofed and silent weapons such as B. Ax, chisel or crossbow, the player can defend himself without attracting attention. On wide plains you are more visible to zombies; Crouching or crawling reduces visibility. If a survivor is injured, he must bandage his wounds and, if there is a high level of blood loss, have a transfusion administered by another player. Broken bones must be treated with morphine. The player may panic or experience pain after intense fighting and serious injuries. Panic is represented by a symbol in the right corner of the screen, while pain leads to severe tremors, which makes aiming the weapon extremely difficult. Pain is treated with pain relievers. It is also possible to catch a cold and develop a fever. To warm up - or to recover - you can light a campfire or use heat packs . In addition, the player is forced to eat and drink regularly in order not to starve or die of thirst.

There are weather effects in the game world, which also have an influence on the game. When it rains, the body temperature slowly drops, which can cause a cold; the character warms up in the sun. There is also a day and night change. At night, flashlights, Bengal fires, glow sticks or night vision devices help with sight, which in turn can attract unwanted attention. The special thing about the day and night changes in DayZ is that it is based on the real local time of the server on which you are currently playing.

A few damaged vehicles such as bicycles, cars, buses, motorcycles, boats or helicopters can be repaired, refueled and made drivable with the help of spare parts and tool cases.

Communication with other players is possible using a text chat and voice chat function.

The game character's death is permanent. The player loses his equipment and starts again from scratch. However, since the corpse of the character is not lost, the player can use his new character to loot the corpse if no other player has already done so.

The character with his equipment and his status is saved across servers, so the player is not only bound to one server. Tents, vehicles and their contents, on the other hand, are tied to their server and cannot be transported to other servers. Using the mouse wheel menu, they and their contents can be saved on the relevant server so that they are still available after a server restart, otherwise they will be lost.

Development history

Mod developer Dean "Rocket" Hall was influenced by his time in the New Zealand Army. He took part in a joint jungle combat training with the Singaporean army in Brunei . Hall was seriously injured during a survival training session. Hall incorporated these experiences into the mod to integrate emotion and tension as an element of the gameplay in the style of a survival simulation.

The mod gained great popularity due to the zombie theme and the exciting atmosphere and, three years after its release, ensured a sharp increase in sales of ArmA 2 - Combined Operations (includes ArmA 2 and the add-on Operation Arrowhead ), which is required for playing. Because of this, Hall was recruited by Bohemia Interactive. The mod will continue to receive updates from the community . The DayZ mod was originally only intended as a technology demo for the idea of ​​an independent game.

In order to provide variety, the community has meanwhile imported additional maps, such as Lingor Island, Namalsk and Panthera, into the mod, which were already known from the ArmA 2 fan community. Over time, a number of new maps (Taviana, Sahrani, Podagorsk, Celle), as well as further modifications (Dayz Origin, DayZ Origins, Dayz Epoch, Dayz 2017, TimZ, Dayz Overwatch etc.) were added to the mod, to name just a few . In order to make it easier for the general public to access the cards and to modify them, there are also third-party programs that simplify the installation. The best known are DayZLauncher , Play withSIX and DayZ Commander .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. DayZ - 430,000 players, Free2Play plans - "Rocket" for the success of GameStar's Arma-2-Mod
  2. DayZ: Arma 2-Mod with 420,000 players - Possibly "Standalone" version planned by PC Games