
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Studio Czech RepublicCzech Republic Bohemia Interactive
Publisher Bohemia Interactive
Senior Developer Eugen Harton
(formerly: Dean Hall, Brian Hicks)
December 16, 2013 ( Alpha ) December 13, 2018 ( Release)
platform Windows , Xbox One , PlayStation 4
Game engine Enfusion
genre Survival horror , open world game
Subject Zombie apocalypse
Game mode Multiplayer
control Mouse , keyboard , gamepad
medium Download
language German , English , French , Italian , Polish , Russian , Spanish , Czech
Current version 1.07
Age rating
USK from 18
PEGI from 18

DayZ is a survival horror computer game by Bohemia Interactive and emerged from the ArmA-2 - Mod DayZ from 2012. The early alpha version of the game was released on December 16, 2013 on the Internet game platform Steam for Windows . The official release date was December 13, 2018.


The player starts randomly on the map, but mostly on a stretch of beach in the fictional post-Soviet state of Chernarus (Chernarussia) or in Livonia (only available in the paid DLC), whose inhabitants have been turned into zombies by an unexplained viral disease. As a survivor, the player has to fight his way inland, unarmed and with little supplies, to find food, weapons, ammunition, survival equipment and medicines. He meets zombies on the one hand and other survivors on the other. The latter, like the player himself, are controlled by other players and can therefore be both friendly and hostile. You can ally yourself with friendly characters; one is attacked and robbed by bandits. This fact requires a tactical, forward-looking and prudent approach, which creates its own tension and mood.


DayZ is an open-world game of the survival horror genre ; there are no game goals in the true sense of the word. The only goal is to find your way through to survive.

The player usually has to move as quietly as possible through the 225 km² game world, since walking or running makes noise, which attracts zombies that are nearby. Loud shots also attract the zombies' attention. Soundproofed and silent weapons such as B. ax, chisel or crossbow the player can defend himself without attracting attention. On wide plains you are more visible to zombies; Crouching or crawling reduces visibility. If a survivor is injured, he must bandage his wounds and, if there is a high level of blood loss, have a transfusion administered by another player. Broken bones must be treated with morphine or a splint made of wooden sticks and bandages. The player may panic or experience pain after intense fighting and serious injuries. Panic is represented by a symbol, while pain leads to severe tremors, which makes aiming the weapon extremely difficult. Pain can be treated with pain relievers. It is also possible to catch a cold and develop a fever. To warm up or recover, you can light a campfire, use heat packs or warm clothing as a precaution, if you can find them. In addition, the player is forced to eat and drink regularly in order not to starve or die of thirst.

The extensive terrain is bordered by the sea to the south and east. If the player crosses the border to the north or west, he enters a monotonous grassy landscape that no longer shows any traces of civilization or vegetation. Since the player can no longer find any food in this endless wasteland, sooner or later he will be forced to turn back. There are weather effects in the game world, which also have an influence on the game. When it rains, the body temperature slowly drops, which can cause a cold or diseases such as cholera , dysentery and hepatitis ; the character warms up in the sun. There is also a day and night change. At night, flashlights, Bengal fires, glow sticks or night vision devices provide visibility, whereby the former can in turn attract unwanted attention.

Communication with other players is possible by means of a text chat and voice chat function or by means of hand signals.

The game character's death is permanent. The player loses his equipment and starts again from scratch. However, since the corpse of the character is not lost, all objects can be picked up again, provided that this has not already been done by another player or the corpse has disappeared (coll. Despawnt).

Differences to Mod

In contrast to the mod, the standalone version includes, among other things, a revised inventory interface, a crafting system, new equipment statuses, upgradeable weapons (attachable and detachable telescopic sights, bayonets, etc.), new diseases that you can contract and Communication animations (hand signals such as waving). In addition, the food system has been expanded so that you now need a can opener or a bayonet, for example, to open canned food and to eat food and drinks in portions. But one can also get sick from bad food. It is also important to ensure that the correct blood group is used for blood transfusions. You can also have blood drawn from other players. Also new are hundreds of public domain books that have been integrated into the game world and that can be read (for example, The War of the Worlds and Moby-Dick ). If areas are cleaned of zombies, they will no longer spawn there temporarily.

Development history

Game developer Dean Hall confirmed in August 2012 that DayZ will be developed as a separate game. The DayZ mod was originally only intended as a technology demo for this idea. The fictional game world of Chernarus was modeled on a region in the north-west of the Czech Republic.

The early alpha version of the game was released on December 16, 2013 on the Internet game platform Steam and grossed an estimated 4.14 million euros on the first day of publication. The Early Access Alpha version of the DayZ Standalone already registered over 170,000 purchases on the first day of release. Within the first month, these increased to over 1 million downloads.

A version for the PlayStation 4 was announced in August 2014 at the Sony Gamescom press conference .

Vehicles are also part of the game. A higher number of zombies, as well as animals, hunting, cooking, erectable buildings and collecting resources are to be added to the Alpha gradually through patches .

Dean Hall turned his back on the development of DayZ and left Bohemia Interactive in late 2014. The reasons for this were gross errors in the game concept that did not meet its requirements. He was also homesick, so he founded his own development studio called RocketWerkz in his native New Zealand.

At E3 2015 it was announced that the game would be released for the Xbox One .

After the game was supposed to go into beta at the end of 2017, the developers have now announced in a blog entry on November 28, 2017 that DayZ will go into beta in 2018 with version number 0.63 and at the same time have early access -Phase (alpha phase) should leave. The communication also emphasized that the development of the console version will continue to be followed if the beta of the PC version is satisfactory. An explicit date for this was not given.

Creative Director Brian Hicks announced in May 2018 that he would be leaving the company. According to his own statement, "it is no longer needed", which caused discomfort among many fans with the fear that DayZ would no longer leave Early Access.

On the official developer blog, the team led by chief developer Eugene Harton announced on December 7, 2018 that after almost five years of development, the standalone version of DayZ would leave Steam Early Access on December 13, 2018 at 7 p.m. German time and thus officially with the Version number 1.0 should be published. The purchase price will be increased to € 38 upon release. A release teaser trailer can also be found on the blog entry. Since development began, 900 bugs and errors have been fixed and a completely new graphics engine has been used to improve the gaming experience. The developers also announced that the game will be removed from the Xbox Game Preview program in spring 2019, a kind of preview for games that are still in development. A version of DayZ for the PlayStation 4 was released on May 29, 2019 .


  • Steam Awards 2019 in the Better With Friends category

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. DayZ - 430,000 players, Free2Play plans - "Rocket" for the success of GameStar's Arma-2-Mod
  2. DayZ - Released for PlayStation 4 by GameStar
  3. DayZ Standalone - Launch review and outlook on upcoming GameStar improvements
  4. DayZ: Dean Hall is leaving RIGGED's Bohemia Interactive at the end of 2014
  5. Dennis Reisdorf: Day Z - Survival simulation appears for Xbox One. In: PC Games . Computec Media Group , June 17, 2015, accessed June 17, 2015 .
  6. Mike Williams: DayZ Will Finally Leave Early Access and Come To Consoles in 2018. In: USgamer. December 1, 2017. Retrieved December 4, 2017 (American English).
  7. Status Report 28th November | DayZ | Official website. Accessed December 4, 2017 .
  8. ^ Andy Chalk: DayZ creative director Brian Hicks is leaving Bohemia Interactive. In: PC Gamer. May 9, 2018, Retrieved December 10, 2018 (American English).
  9. DayZ. Retrieved December 10, 2018 .
  10. DayZ 1.0 - Final release date & price increase with trailer announced - GameStar. Retrieved December 10, 2018 .
  11. DayZ in the test in the test - Finally on the PS4, still unfinished. Retrieved June 12, 2019 .
  12. The Steam Awards 2019 Winners. Accessed January 1, 2020 .