The uncle from America (1915)

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Original title The uncle from America
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1915
length approx. 55 minutes
Director Hans Hyan
script Hans Hyan
production Paul Davidson for PAGU

The Uncle from America is a German silent film fun play from 1915 with Wilhelm Diegelmann in the title role.


The German emigrant Dick Plumer achieved great wealth as a farmer in Ohio, but was left alone in the new world. Now he wants to change this situation and for this reason travels to his old homeland to look for a bride on site. He has already set his sights on a certain lady who is supposed to be, namely his niece, with whom he has been in correspondence for some time. Since he does not know her personally, her uncle from America has a very specific idea of ​​the future: in his eyes she is a blooming beauty, but in truth his niece has long since passed her prime and earns a meager living as a singer who struggled to keep afloat with small engagements.

Dick Plumer now announces his arrival by post, but this letter promptly ends up in the wrong hands, namely in that of the little crook Tussi, who is staying with said niece in the same house and has the same surname as her. Tussi's lover, a rather weird bird, has the idea to pass Tussi off as the niece to be married in order to cup the old man from America properly. Hardly has Dick arrived than he fell in love with the sight of the visually charming chick. As a romantic introduction, both decide to go to the cinema, where Tussi's friend is the first to steal his uncle's wallet. What neither of them know is that in the meantime, the real niece also knows about Uncle Dick's arrival, because as a prudent American, he has also notified her of his arrival via telegram to be on the safe side.

She is desperately looking for the uncle, who is about to get lost in Germany, and finally finds him after some back and forth. Tussi's thiefing friend does not enjoy his theft for long, because a real professional steals his stolen wallet too. But he is caught by the police. In the end, uncle and niece find each other, and Sugardaddy from the USA even gets his money back. In spite of everything, Dick Plumer is quite disappointed at the sight of the a little yellowed beauty, for whom he sailed across the pond and which he is now to marry. Only when his niece can free him one more time from the clutches of the rascal couple is he ready to marry the intended bride, even if his enthusiasm is very limited.

Production notes

The uncle from America , advertised as "criminal humor", was created in the spring of 1915 in the Union studio in Berlin-Tempelhof , was censored in May 1915 and was initially banned for the duration of the war. In the case of a new submission in July of the same year, the censors released the three-act play with a length of around 1000 meters, but imposed a youth ban. When exactly the premiere took place is currently unclear. The Uncle from America was probably seen in Austria-Hungary in the early autumn of 1915.

Senta Söneland made her film debut here.


“Hans Hyan, the well-known Berlin writer, has succeeded in editing the story of the uncle from America in a new and humorous variant for the film. The poet's original work has now found an extremely happy reproduction in the Union film “Der Unkel aus Amerika”, to which on the one hand a skilful direction, on the other hand three well-known Berlin stage greats… contribute. (...) This comedy ... is sure to receive strong applause from our cinema audience. "

- Cinematographic review of September 5, 1915. pp. 53 f., 25

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