The naked kiss

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German title The naked kiss
Original title The Naked Kiss
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1964
length 90 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Samuel Fuller
script Samuel Fuller
production Samuel Fuller
music Paul Dunlap
camera Stanley Cortez
cut Jerome Thoms

The Naked Kiss (original title: The Naked Kiss ) is a in black and white twisted American thriller and neo-noir of Samuel Fuller from the year 1964th


On the run from her former pimp, whom she knocked down in an argument, the prostitute Kelly arrives in the small town of Grantville. After a short rendezvous with the local Sheriff Griff, he asks you to leave the tranquil Grantville as quickly as possible. He recommends a brothel in a nearby larger town across the state border. Rather than obey Griff's orders, she decides to give up her lifestyle and stay in Grantville. She becomes a nurse in a hospital for disabled children, but Griff, who doesn't trust reformed prostitutes, continues to try to evict her from the city.

At a party, Kelly meets good friend J. L. Grant, the wealthy scion of the Grantville founding family. He falls in love with her and even Kelly's admission of her past can't stop him from proposing to her. Then Kelly finally succeeds in convincing Griff that she has finally given up prostitution. He agrees to play best man at the wedding.

Shortly before the planned wedding, Kelly surprised Grant while abusing a little girl at his property. When he grins and expresses that Kelly should marry him anyway, because they would be a good match as perverts, Kelly kills him with a telephone receiver. Then she waits next to the corpse covered with the wedding dress to be arrested. During torturous interrogations in the remand prison, Kelly tries in vain to convince Griff of the truth about Grant's death. Desperate, however, she finally succeeds in identifying Grant's victims. Based on the girl's testimony, she is released and leaves town.


The naked kiss opened in US cinemas on October 28, 1964. In Germany it was not shown in cinemas, but was shown on television for the first time on September 30, 1982.


“Largely sensitive and reserved crime film with melodramatic accents. Outstanding: the leading actress' sensitive play. "

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Individual evidence

  1. Alain Silver, Elizabeth Ward (Ed.): Film Noir. An Encyclopedic Reference to the American Style, Third Edition. Overlook / Duckworth, New York / Woodstock / London 1992, ISBN 978-0-87951-479-2 , pp. 196-197.
  2. a b The naked kiss in the dictionary of international filmsTemplate: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used .