Det norske Hedningsamfunn

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Logo DnH.

Det norske Hedningsamfunn or just Hedningsamfunnet or DnH ( German : The Norwegian Heidengesellschaft ) is an atheistic - secular organization founded in 1974 , whose main goal is to reduce the Christian influence and the influence of the Norwegian Church in Norway . She also advocates a separation of church and state .

The DnH describes itself as a humanist atheist / antitheist liberation movement . In addition to fighting the dominant influence of Christianity in Norway, she also wants to minimize Muslim influence. According to her own account, she does not want to eliminate religion, but advocates freedom of religion . The organization repeatedly attracts attention through provocative actions, with which it sometimes comes into conflict with the so-called " blasphemy paragraph" (§ 142) of the Norwegian Criminal Code , which makes it a criminal offense, in an insulting way its contempt for any religious To express the denomination, for their teaching or for the practice of religion of all faith communities legally existing in Norway.


The "purpose paragraph" of the Hedningsamfunn statutes reads:

“The norske Hedningsamfunn vil work for the identification of men and women. Vi vil work for frigjøring fra authoritære religioner and trosretninger so reduserer and splitter mennesker, which hevder at vårt menneskeverd avgjøres of vårt forhold til en gud, and such inhibitor tanker and follelser with its dogmer and norms. Vi vil work for livssynfrihet and motarbeide livssyndiskriminering. Plays vil vi motarbeide the norske church and other religious maktorganisasjoner. ”

“The Norwegian pagan society wants to work for the recognition of the singular value and togetherness of people. We want to fight for the liberation from authoritarian religions and beliefs, which limit and divide people, and which claim that our human worth is determined by our relationship with a God, and inhibit the thoughts and feelings of people with their dogmas and norms. We want to fight for freedom of belief and against discrimination against beliefs. In particular, we will fight against the Norwegian Church and other religious power organizations. "


The idea for the Hedningsamfunn came from the two authors of the countercultural magazine "Ett Blad" Sigurd Hasle and Espen S. Ore in Oslo in January 1973 . On January 20, 1973, they submitted an application to the Ministry of Justice to have the name Det norske Hedningsamfunn registered as a first step towards the community they were planning. Since at that time no members and no religious content could be named, the ministry refused the entry, whereupon Hasle and Ore interrupted their efforts for the DnH until spring 1974. In 1974, the two founders issued a press release in which they announced the founding of the "Hedningsamfunn", even if this had not yet taken place formally. The first meeting took place on November 2, 1974 with around 60 members. The most important members at that time were Kjetil Wiedswang, Terje Olerud (now Tjere Emberland ) and Audun Eckhoff . The first chairman became Audun's brother Dagfinn Eckhoff . The father of the two, the translator and Norsk rikskringkasting employee Erik Eckhoff, was the organization's press spokesman from 1974 to 2000. The organization is based heavily on the work of the Eckhoff family, in whose house the DnH office is also located.


  • 1975: Protests against the Norwegian Church after it became known that it had carried out exorcism .
  • 1977: Protests against the Mission Foundation Troens Bevis , its founder Aril Edvardsen , and sympathetic politicians.
  • 1978: Protest / disruption of a service in the Slottskapellet . This was done in order to confront the student Jan P. Hagberg with the statements he had made in the Norwegian student newspaper Universitas .
  • 1980 and 81 : Investigation under the direction of the DnH to prove the low number of visitors to the services in the Norwegian church.
  • 1989: During the Pope's visit to Oslo, the DnH organized a “Katolsk varemesse”, where they sold relics .
  • 1995: At the celebrations for the 1000th anniversary of the Christianization of Norway in the oldest stone church in Norway, the Moster gamle kirke , the DnH disrupted the service and carried a flag into the church with the inscription "1000 år er mer enn nok!" (German: 1000 years is more than enough!). This action caused a sensation.
  • 2000: The organization received official permission from the rooftops to shout “God does not exist” in 2000 from the Oslo city ​​council, as they had also allowed a mosque of the World Islamic Mission to proclaim the Adhān . The campaign attracted a lot of attention both at home and abroad.


The Hedningsamdunn publishes the internal newspaper Oss Hedninger Imellom (German: "Between us Heiden") at regular intervals . Between 1975 and 1987 she also published the external newspaper "Tro DET". Together with the Religionskritisk Forlag , they published the satirical, blasphemous comic series Jesus Kristus & Co in 1982 , which only consisted of four issues. For the comics, the DnH was indicted by the women branch of the Kristelig Folkeparti . Inge Lønning , who had written an opinion on the case, described the comics as a great blasphemy, but advised against maintaining the indictment, since a conviction would only help the publisher and the DnH to spread their “scornful and insulting writings”. The charges were therefore dropped a little later.


The list shows the chairmen of the DnH from its foundation until today:

  • 1974–78: Dagfinn Eckhoff
  • 1978-79: Terje Sværd
  • 1979-80: Tom Egil Berland
  • 1980-83: Harald Fagerhus
  • 1983–91: Dagfinn Eckhoff
  • 1991–92: no chairman
  • 1992–93:? (Deputy Chairman: Erlend Bronken)
  • 1993-94: Harald Fagerhus
  • 1994-97: Halvor Raknes Johansen
  • 1997–99: Harald Fagerhus
  • 1999-02: Alastair Grant Mackenzie
  • 2002–03: no chairman
  • 2003-07: Harald Fagerhus
  • 2007-08: Morten Rølling
  • 2008: Dagfinn Eckhoff (transitional chairman through a vote in May)
  • since 2008: Dagfinn Eckhoff

Honorary members

The following five people are currently honorary members of Dnh:


The DnH awards two awards to people who have proven to be worthy of the award criteria.


Since 1994 the organization has awarded the anti-prize “Kristendummen” (German: “the Christian fool”). The prize is awarded at irregular intervals to people who have drawn attention to themselves through particularly positive statements about Christianity.

year Award winners reason
1994 Vetle Lid Larssen (Author) For the following statement in the Dagbladet :
"Enhver som kan read, vil ved selvsyn kunne konstatere at det nye testamentet inneholder et eksplosivt kjærlighets- og nestekjærlighetsbudskap."

"Anyone who can read will be able to see with their own eyes that the New Testament contains an explosive message of love and charity"

1999 Geir Børresen (actor) For the statement in the Krigsropet that ...

… Jesus var blitt sann for ham etter at han hadde read from juleevangeliet på Jesu fødested under en pilegrimsreise to the bright land.
... Jesus really was for him after reading the Christmas story of Jesus' birthplace during a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

2000 Gunnar Rosenlund (businessman) For å ha declared autentisiteten of likkledet i Torino based on advisor i form of nøytrinostråling.

for declaring the authenticity of the Turin Shroud on the basis of evidence from neutrino radiation.

2002 Hans Fredrik Dahl (Professor) for the following statements in the Dagbladet :

“Apenbaringer he så avgjort verd å lytte til, yes, de es and blir vårt sikreste green lag for innsikt i tilværelsens hemmeligheter. Hvor ville vår sivilisasjon stått i dag uten Johannes' åpenbaring på Patmos? »
“The revelations are really worth listening to, yes, they are and will remain the surest basis for insight into the secrets of existence. Where would civilization be today without the revelation of John on Patmos ? "

2003 Hans Kvalbein (Professor) for å imøtegå Aril Edvardsens påstand om at de nye amerikanske passene he bevis på at Dyret i Åpenbaringen har trådt fram. Kvalbein påpekte at noted down the set in breakdowns and on hands, ikke i et pass.

for his reply to Aril Edvardsen's claim that the new American passports were evidence that the beast in Revelation came forth. Kvalbein pointed out that the marking was drawn on the forehead and on the hands and not in a passport.

2004 Nina Karin Monsen (author) for sin støtte to at public norske barnehager bør used to opplæring i kristen tro.

for their support that the Norwegian state kindergartens should be used to teach the Christian faith.

2005 Ole D. Hagesæther (Bishop) for at han tar til etterretning vekkelsespredikanten Svein-Magne Pedersens påstand om at han har helbredet 40 000-50 000 mennesker. Hagesæther mener predikanten has gått over streken da han ved to anledninger has forsøkt å gjenoppvekke døde.

that he reported the claim of the revival preacher Svein-Magne Pedersen that he had healed 40-50,000 people as news. Hagesæther thinks that the predicant crossed the line when he tried to raise the dead on two occasions.

2006 Jan-Aage Torp (pastor) For å reagere på at the Naturhistorisk Museum in Oslo has a situation in utstilling om homoseksualitet i dyreriket and mener at the dyrene brighter bør for hjelp til å med slik perversjon.

for his reaction to an exhibition by the Natural History Museum in Oslo on homosexuality in the animal kingdom. He thinks that the animals would rather need help to get rid of such perversion.

2008 Erlend Loe (Author) for an interview in " Vårt Land " [Our Land], ...

… Before you go to Kristne verdier, “There is a problem with the cause of the problem. Når jeg tenker på Jesus, ser jeg ren og skjær humanisme. Hvor de har fått the demand from Kristendommen fra, he for meg en gåte. These levereglene man prøver å press on other, ser any on med forakt and avsky. Hvis noen har problemer med at to menn elsker hverandre, eller to kvinner, he det their problem ».
... where he says of Christian values ​​that “I have no problem with them before they become judgmental. When I think of Jesus, I see a pure and clear humanism. Where did the condemned Christianity come from is a mystery to me. I see it with contempt and disgust to try to impose these rules of life on others. If someone has problems with two men loving each other, or two women, that is their problem. "


Kristopher look

In 2007 the organization introduced the “Æreshedninger” (German: Ehrenhedninger = Ehrenheide) award. It is awarded to people who express themselves particularly critically of religion without being a member of the Hedningsamfunn themselves.

In the same year, 2007, the award was given to the producers of the religious program De syv dødssyndene , Kristopher Schau , Øystein Karlsen and Morten Ståle Nilsen .

Individual evidence

  1. Introduction to the goals of DnH
  2., Formålsparagraf (purpose paragraph)
  3. Kort om Hedningsamfunnets historie 1974–2004 Oppstarten
  4. Oslo's rooftoop religious rivalry. In: BBC News. March 30, 2000, accessed May 17, 2007 .
  5. Astrid Meland: Jezzus! De tegner oss. In: Magasinet. Dagbladet, January 17, 2006, accessed May 17, 2007 (Norwegian).
  6. ^ Website of the Det Norske Hedningesamfunn. Retrieved February 27, 2008

See also

Web links