German-Italian Commission of Historians

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The German-Italian Commission of Historians was established in 2008/9 by Foreign Ministers Frank-Walter Steinmeier ( Merkel I cabinet ) and Franco Frattini ( Berlusconi IV cabinet ). The two foreign ministers visited the Risiera di San Sabba concentration camp in Trieste in November 2008 and set up the commission on March 28, 2009. Its ten members were to research freely for three years.

The Commission of Historians jointly researched the German-Italian war past, especially with regard to the Italian military internees . She sees her work as a contribution to bringing the cultures of remembrance of the two countries closer together. She opted for an empirical approach.

The Commission presented the report to the public on December 19, 2012 in Rome in the presence of Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle and Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi . The two foreign ministers made speeches and issued a joint statement. The report is 182 pages. It is divided into five chapters:

  • Germans and Italians between 1943 and 1945
  • The perspective of the German soldiers
  • The experience of the Italian population with the German occupying power
  • The experiences of the Italian military internees
  • Commission recommendations


The committee consists of scientists (mostly historians ) from both countries who should work regardless of the political situation. The German section consisted of:

The Italian section consisted of:

The commission met at regular intervals at Villa Vigoni .


In its report, the commission proposed a memorial in Berlin to commemorate the fate of the more than 600,000 Italian military internees who were interned by the Germans after the announcement of the Italian armistice with the Allies on September 8, 1943 and the subsequent German occupation of Italy were.

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