German climate consortium

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German Climate Consortium V. (DKK)
legal form Registered association
Seat Berlin
founding 2008

place Berlin
Board Mojib Latif (Chairman)
Tobias Fuchs
Jochem Marotzke
Monika Rhein
Manager Marie-Luise Beck
Members 25th

The German Climate Consortium e. V. (DKK) is an association of German university and non-university research institutions in the field of climate research and climate impact research. It represents the interests of important actors in climate research in Germany and the EU, promotes the exchange of information and supports interdisciplinary cooperation. The DKK has 25 members; The association's headquarters and office are located in the WissenschaftsForum Berlin , directly on Gendarmenmarkt .


Members are (as of April 2020):

  1. Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)
  2. Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)
  3. Berlin University Alliance (BUA)
  4. Center for Sustainable Society Research (CSS) at the University of Hamburg
  5. Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN) at the University of Hamburg
  6. German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ)
  7. German Aerospace Center V. (DLR), Institute for Atmospheric Physics
  8. German Weather Service (DWD)
  9. Research Center Jülich GmbH
  10. GEOMAR - Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel
  11. German Research Center for Geosciences GFZ
  12. Helmholtz Center Geesthacht - Center for Materials and Coastal Research GmbH
  13. Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies
  14. Institute for Environmental Physics (IUP) and MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences , University of Bremen
  15. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK)
  16. Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research V. (TROPOS)
  17. Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW)
  18. Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (MPI-BGC)
  19. Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (MPI-C)
  20. Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M)
  21. Cluster of Excellence " The Future Ocean " at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
  22. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
  23. Federal Environment Agency (UBA)
  24. Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ
  25. Institute for Physics and Meteorology at the University of Hohenheim


  • Strategic planning of climate research
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration
  • Climate & Career: Human resources in climate research, promotion of young talent, educational database, scholarships, awards
  • International cooperation
  • Climate research Africa
  • EU research funding
  • Research funding in Germany
  • public relation
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Board of Directors. German Climate Consortium, accessed on April 27, 2020 .
  2. ^ Members. German Climate Consortium, accessed on April 27, 2020 .